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EMBA Projects: Main

For UCLA-NUS EMBA students

How to search for market share

Search for market share of an industry by using the following databases:

  • Passport by Euromonitor (formerly known as Global Market Information Database)
  • FitchConnect (formerly known as BMI Research; first time users must first register and wait up to 24 hours for the whitelist to update before using the same link to access the database)
  • Frost and Sullivan (for technology-based industries or technological applications in industries)
  • Gartner  (first time users must first register and wait up to 24 hours for the whitelist to update before using the same link to access the database)

Try search terms such as "market share and [N]", where "N" is the industry you are searching for. Try to use shorter phrases to search to garner more results. Try more general categories if the industry you are searching for does not yield sufficient results. E.g. instead of searching for "instant noodles", try "packaged food".

Locate articles and newspaper reports on market shares of industries using the following databases:

Especially for Factiva and Nexis Uni, you may have to include more specific terms in your search to reduce the number of irrelevant results (e.g . You may have to try the individual company names to get more relevant results.

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