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Research Data Management

Some research funders in Singapore have introduced research data management or research data sharing policies. The following table below summarises research data management/sharing policies of some major research funders. Do check the requirements for specific grant calls put out by the various funding agencies.

Policies Key Highlights


Research Data Management Policy


National Medical Research Council (NMRC)

Data Sharing Policy

  • It applies to all MOH (NMRC) funded research projects with effect from 1 May 2015
  • All data should be made available to user communities at the earliest
    feasible opportunity. Data to be shared no later than the release of
    main findings through publication.
  • Methods of Data Sharing
    • Under Auspices of Investigators, e.g., publish anonymised data on an institutional or personal website,  provide anonymised data to requestor personally
    • Through Data Repositories and Database Resources, e.g., deposit anonymised data on Webbased platforms
  • Applications requesting at least S$250,000 of direct research cost must include a Data Sharing Plan
  • Data Sharing Plan Template
Type of Study & Data
• Type of study
• Type of data
Data Sharing and Access
• Suitability for sharing
• Timeframe for sharing
• Format of data
• Method of sharing
• Access of data and governance
• Human subject and privacy
• Budget considerations

Social Science Research Council (SSRC)

The Social Science Research Thematic Grant (NUSNET Login Requried)

  • "Subject to restrictions related to research ethics, confidentiality and intellectual property, all data generated from research funded by the SSRTG should be made available to user communities at the earliest feasible opportunity. This would generally be no later than the release through publication of the study’s main findings, or in line with established best practices in the respective fields."

Institute for Adult Learning (IAL)

The Workforce Development Applied Research Fund (WDARF) Administrative Guidelines

  • "Subject to restrictions related to research ethics and confidentiality, all anonymised data generated from research funded by WDARF will be made available to user communities (such as other researchers, analysts, policy makers) at the earliest feasible opportunity, which shall be no later than 12 months after the completion of the project or official date of publication, whichever is earlier."
  • Applicant shall outline a plan to manage research data to meet the following:
    • Submit final datasets, non-anonymised data, to SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)
    • Manage requests from user communities for data

Wellcome Trust

Developing an outputs management plan

  • An outputs management plan is required when your proposed research is likely to create significant research outputs that are of value to other researchers and users.(More details).
  • What to Include in the Outputs Management Plan
    • Data and software outputs
      • The data and software outputs your research will generate 
      • When you intend to share your data and software
      • Where your data and software will be made available
      • How your data and software will be accessible to others
      • Whether limits to data and software sharing are required
      • How datasets and software will be preserved
    • Research materials
      • What materials your research will produce and how these will be made available
    • Intellectual property
    • Resources required


Data Sharing Policy and Implementation Guidance

  • The NIH data-sharing policy applies to applicants seeking $500,000 or more in direct costs in any year of the proposed research.
  • NIH expects the timely release and sharing of data to be no later than the acceptance for publication of the main findings from the final dataset.
  • It is the responsibility of the investigators, their Institutional Review Board (IRB), and their institution to protect the rights of subjects and the confidentiality of the data.
  • Methods for Data Sharing
    • Under the auspices of the PI
    • Data archive
    • Data enclave
    • Mixed mode sharing
  • Regardless of the mechanism used to share data, each dataset will require documentation.
  • Applicants can request funds for data sharing and archiving in their grant application