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Offers more than 1.7 million full-text dissertations in the humanities, social sciences, technology and more. Full-text available. For help on searching in this database, see this guide: https://proquest.libguides.com/pqdt
This institutional repository collects and preserves the scholarly output of NUS and makes it accessible worldwide. Includes the Electronic Theses and Dissertations Database (ETD) containing honours year academic exercises, Master’s theses (by Research) and PhD dissertations deposited with the NUS Registrar’s Office.
Scopus is a good starting point for finding articles on almost any topic. It is a multidisciplinary database covering the sciences, engineering, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities fields. Scopus contains millions of peer-reviewed journals, selected articles from trade journals, book chapters, edited volumes, reference works, conference papers and patents. It is also an excellent database for cited reference searching. Its contents are updated daily
NewspaperSG is an online resource of current and historical Singapore newspapers. Users can search the digital archive of newspapers published between 1831-2009, or find information from over 24 million articles in the National Library's microfilm collection.