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English Literature: Databases

Resources for English Literature

Using Databases

Published by the Modern Language Association (MLA), we recommend using the MLAIB (Modern Language Association International Bibliography) database as it is an essential tool for research in all aspects of modern languages and literature. Here is quick guide on how to use it:

1. Search for MLAIB at the Databases tab on the library website. Click on the database link when it appears.

2. Search MLAIB using the keywords of your topic, e.g. nationalism singapore. Use synonyms or similar words where possible, and combine the keywords with boolean operators OR and AND. This helps to maximise the possibility of retrieving relevant results.

The Advanced Search mode gives you more features, e,g. where you want the keywords to appear, whether the journal must be peer-reviewed, etc.

3. Results in MLAIB are automatically sorted by relevance. Click on the checkbox next to the article number to collate the references and email, print, cite, and export or save them (no full text).

Not all databases have full-text articles. If you do not see the full text, click on the Find It @ NUS Libraries icon to see if the full text might be available somewhere else within the library's collection.

4.  If you still cannot find the full text, email us for recommendations on how else you may obtain the article.

Gale Literary Sources

A one-stop platform for all things English Literature. Provides an integrated research experience comprising author references and critical analyses about English literary works. Also includes a master index of literary works published by Gale, and features integrated for digital humanities research.

Project Muse

A key full-text multidisciplinary database focused on digital humanities and social sciences content. Includes over 400,000 articles and nearly 1 million book chapters by over 250 publishers.





This full-text database contains back issues of important scholarly journals in all subject areas. Back issues start from the first issue up to 3 to 5 years before the present.