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English Literature: Home

Resources for English Literature

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Welcome to the library guide for English Literature. Click on the tabs above to explore the various sources you could use for your research.

Looking for journal articles? Check the database section for notes on how to do so.

Need more help? Contact us if you have any questions about using these resources.

Call numbers for English Literature materials

Most of the books on English literature which can be browsed and borrowed are on level 3 of Central Library (CL Books), under the call numbers indicated in the table below.

If you're looking for a specific book, search the catalogue on our library homepage for the exact location, as certain books may be housed at other collections, e.g. Reserved Books/Readings (required readings, for 2 hour loan only) or Reference Collection, etc.


Call Number
Classical languages and literature PA
Oriental languages and literature PJ
Asian languages and literature PL
Literature from Singapore and Malaysia PL5144-5150
General literature - Literary history PN
British literature PR
American literature PS

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Research Librarian

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Raven Sim
NUS Central Library
+65 6516 2018
Subjects: Humanities