The Leeds Centre for New Chinese Writing我们是英国利兹大学的一个动态网站,旨在连接中国当代文学领域的作家、译者、出版商、文学经纪人以及学者,加强他们之间更加密切的联系与交流,从而促进英语世界的中国当代文学写作。我们开展一系列丰富多彩的活动,包括大型活动、翻译比赛和线上活动。此外,我们还和纸托邦及其他伙伴具有密切的合作关系。本中心源自2014年开始的“汉语写作”项目。项目最初以白玫瑰东亚研究中心(WREAC)为中介,受到英国艺术与人文研究委员会的资助。
We are a dynamic network, based at the University of Leeds, UK. Bringing together writers, translators, publishers, literary agents and academics working in the field of contemporary Chinese literature, we aim to foster closer links and dialogue, and to help promote contemporary Chinese writing in the English-speaking world.
We run a thriving programme of events, competitions and online features, and work closely with Paper Republic and other partners.
The Centre originates in the Writing Chinese project which began in 2014 and was funded by the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council, originally through the White Rose East Asia Centre (WREAC).