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Philosophy (Yale-NUS College): Books

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Subject Headings

Subject Headings are assigned to books and other materials in LINC to help categorize them across disciplines.  One item can have several subject headings.  Sometimes starting with the subject heading is a good way to learn about resources on your topic.  Here is a small selection of Philosophy headings to get you started:

Philosophy - Introductions

Philosophy - Ancient

Philosophy and religion

Philosophy and science


Philosophy - Classical

Knowledge, theory of

Call numbers

Books in the Library are also classified by call number.  Each call number represents a certain subject area.  It is likely that if you find one good book on your topic, there will be others nearby on the shelf about that same topic. Here are some suggestions:

B : Philosophy (General)

BC : Logic

BD: Speculative Philosophy

BH: Aesthetics

BJ: Ethics


Getting Started

Find books using the Library catalogue, FindMore tool, or the suggestions on this page. Consult reference works for background information. Search the catalogue or FindMore using the suggested subject headings and search terms. Consider searching Brill Online Books and Journals, Cambridge Companions Online, and EBook Central for more e-resources.

Reference materials