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Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation: Reports and Working Papers

Also known as the "McGill Guide"


References for this section are taken from E-99 of the McGill Guide (10th ed.)

General Form
Author, | title, | other elements | (place of publication: | publisher, | year of publication) | pinpoint.


Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy, SIDRA International Dispute Resolution Survey: 2022 Final Report, (Singapore: Singapore Management University, 2022).

Working Papers

References for this section are taken from E-106 of the McGill Guide (10th ed.)

General Form
Author, | “title” | (year) | institution, | Working Paper | series number.

Note: If the working paper is available online, the location is to be noted after the series number.


Meng Seng Wee & Hans Tjio, “Singapore as International Debt Restructuring Center: Aspiration and Challenges” (2021) EW Baker Centre for Law & Business, Working Paper No 21/02, online: <>.