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Covid-19 Resources

Set up Alerts in Major Databases

How to create alerts in PubMed:

  1. Go to
  2. Copy and paste the following search strategy into the search box for which you would like to set up an alert.
  • "SARS-CoV-2"[Mesh] OR "COVID-19"[Mesh] OR "Coronavirus Infections"[MeSH Terms] OR 2019nCoV[Title/Abstract] OR 2019 ncov[Title/Abstract] OR nCov[Title/Abstract] OR covid19[Title/Abstract] OR covid19[Title/Abstract] OR COVID-2019[Title/Abstract] OR COVID2019[Title/Abstract] OR sarscov2[Title/Abstract] OR "sars cov-2"[Title/Abstract] OR sarscov2[Title/Abstract] OR sarscov2[Title/Abstract] OR sarscoronavirus2[Title/Abstract] OR sars corona virus[Title/Abstract] OR sarslike coronavirus[Title/Abstract] OR novel coronavirus[Title/Abstract] OR novel corona virus[Title/Abstract] OR covid*[Title/Abstract] OR coronavirus 2[Title/Abstract] OR coronavirus infection*[Title/Abstract] OR coronavirus disease[Title/Abstract] OR corona virus disease[Title/Abstract] OR new coronavirus[Title/Abstract] OR new corona virus[Title/Abstract] OR new coronaviruses[Title/Abstract] OR novel coronaviruses[Title/Abstract] OR severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus2[Title/Abstract] OR ((coronavirus[Title/Abstract]  OR ncov[Title/Abstract]  OR sars-cov[Title/Abstract]) AND (2019[Title/Abstract] OR 19[Title/Abstract] OR Wuhan[Title/Abstract])) 
  1. Click Search
  2. At the search results page, click Create alert option under the search bar
  3. You will be prompted to sign in with Google account.  If not, please create an account to save search alert.
  4. After successful login, you can set the frequency and day for email updates of new search results

Note: Search last updated on 1 Apr 2021.  Use "Publication date" to filter search results related to Covid-19 from December 2019 onwards.

How to create alerts in Embase:

  1. Go to Embase
  2. Copy and paste the following search strategy into the search box for which you would like to set up an alert.
    • 'covid 19'/exp OR 'coronavirus disease 2019'/exp OR 'coronavirus infection'/exp OR 'severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2'/exp OR '2019ncov':ti,ab OR '2019 ncov':ti,ab OR ncov:ti,ab OR 'covid19':ti,ab OR 'covid‐2019':ti,ab OR 'covid2019':ti,ab OR covid19:ti,ab OR 'sarscov2':ti,ab OR 'sars cov-2':ti,ab OR sarscov2:ti,ab OR 'sarscov2':ti,ab OR 'sarscoronavirus2':ti,ab OR 'sars corona virus':ti,ab OR 'sarslike coronavirus':ti,ab OR 'novel coronavirus':ti,ab OR 'novel corona virus':ti,ab OR covid*:ti,ab OR 'coronavirus 2':ti,ab OR 'coronavirus infection*':ti,ab OR 'coronavirus disease':ti,ab OR 'corona virus disease':ti,ab OR 'new coronavirus':ti,ab OR 'new corona virus':ti,ab OR 'new coronaviruses':ti,ab OR 'novel coronaviruses':ti,ab OR 'severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus2':ti,ab OR ((coronavirus:ti,ab OR ncov:ti,ab OR 'sars cov':ti,ab) AND (2019:ti,ab OR 19:ti,ab OR wuhan:ti,ab))

  3. To create alert, click "Login” at the top right menu bar of the page to sign in to Embase (or register an account if you have not done so).
  4. Click on Results menu, at the History option, hover your mouse over the search strategy
  5. Select Email Alerts on the right to set email alerts according to how frequently you would like to receive the alerts.

Note: Search last updated on 1 Apr 2021.  Use "Publication date" to filter search results related to Covid-19 from December 2019 onwards.


How to create alerts in the Cochrane Library:

  1. Go to the Cochrane Library
  2. Click Advanced Search at the upper-right hand corner of the Cochrane homepage
  3. Select Search Manager
  4. Copy and paste the search strategy into the search box.  Click Continue.
    • ((covid‐19 or covid19 or nCov or sars‐cov‐2 or sarscov2 or sarscov‐2 or sars‐coronavirus‐2 or sars corona virus or sars‐like coronavirus or novel coronavirus or novel corona virus or covid* or  coronavirus 2 or coronavirus infection* or coronavirus disease or corona virus disease or new coronavirus or new corona virus or new coronaviruses or novel coronaviruses or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus‐2) OR ((coronavirus OR ncov OR sars-cov) NEAR/5 (2019 OR 19 OR Wuhan))):ti,ab,kw 

  5. To create the alert, select Sign In at the upper-right hand corner of the page (or register an account if you have not done so).
  6. Save this search
  7. Fill in the name under Save search followed by Save option
  8. Go to “View saved searches”  
  9. Tick on e-mail alert checkbox to receive the alerts.
  10. Next  go to My profile ( upper-right hand corner of the page), select Manage alerts to update the frequency which you would like to receive the email alerts. 

Note: Search last updated on 1 Apr 2021.  Use "Publication date" to filter search results related to Covid-19 from December 2019 onwards.

How to create alerts in Web Of Science:

1. Sign in to Web of Science.

2. Click on Advanced Search tab and paste the following search strategy in the search box.  Click on Search button.

  • TS=(“Wuhan coronavirus” OR “Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus” OR “COVID19*” OR “COVID-19*” OR “COVID-2019*” OR “coronavirus disease 2019” OR “SARS-CoV-2” OR “2019-nCoV” OR “2019 novel coronavirus” OR “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” OR “2019 novel coronavirus infection” OR “coronavirus disease 2019” OR “coronavirus disease-19” OR “SARS-CoV-2019” OR “SARS-CoV-19”)

  • Note: The above search strategy was presented by Web of Science.

3. Click the Save History /Create Alert option to open the Create Alert pop-up box.

4. Fill in the Alert Name. Make sure the Send me email alerts is ticked. 

5. Click the Create alert.

6. Click the Close button to return to the Search History page.

How to create alerts in Scopus:

  1. Launch Scopus database via Library portal
  2. Go to the Advanced Document Search page to perform a search
  3. Copy and paste the following search string into the search box
    • TITLE-ABS-KEY((("covid-19" or covid19 or nCov or "sars-cov-2" or sarscov2 or "sarscov-2" or "sars-coronavirus-2" or "sars corona virus" or "sars-like coronavirus" or "novel coronavirus" or "novel corona virus" or covid* or "coronavirus 2" or "coronavirus infection*" or "coronavirus disease" or "corona virus disease" or "new coronavirus" or "new corona virus" or "new coronaviruses" or "novel coronaviruses" or "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2") OR ((coronavirus OR ncov OR sars-cov) W/5 (2019 OR 19 OR Wuhan))))
  4. To create the alert, select Set alert option 
  5. You will be prompted to sign in or create an account (if you have not registered one with Scopus)
  6. Select the frequency that you would like to receive the alert and click Set alert button.

Note: Search last updated on 1 Apr 2021.  Use "Year” or "Date range" filter to refine the search results related to Covid-19 from December 2019 onwards.

How to create alerts in CINAHL

  1. Launch CINAHL Plus with full text database via Library portal
  2. Go to the Advanced Search page to perform a search
  3. Copy and paste the following search string into the search box

((MH "COVID-19") OR TI ( ((covid-19 or covid19 or nCov or sars-cov-2 or sarscov2 or sarscov-2 or sars-coronavirus-2 or "sars corona virus" or "sars-like coronavirus" or "novel coronavirus" or "novel corona virus" or covid* or "coronavirus 2" or "coronavirus infection*" or "coronavirus disease" or "corona virus disease" or "new coronavirus" or "new corona virus" or "new coronaviruses" or "novel coronaviruses" or "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2") OR (coronavirus OR ncov OR sars-cov) N5 (2019 OR 19 OR Wuhan)) ) OR AB ( ((covid-19 or covid19 or nCov or sars-cov-2 or sarscov2 or sarscov-2 or sars-coronavirus-2 or "sars corona virus" or "sars-like coronavirus" or "novel coronavirus" or "novel corona virus" or covid* or "coronavirus 2" or "coronavirus infection*" or "coronavirus disease" or "corona virus disease" or "new coronavirus" or "new corona virus" or "new coronaviruses" or "novel coronaviruses" or "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2") OR (coronavirus OR ncov OR sars-cov) N5 (2019 OR 19 OR Wuhan)))

  1. Click on Save Searches / Alerts
  2. You will be prompted to sign in either with a registered or Google account.  If not, please create an EBSCO account and save your search strategy and create an alert. .   
  3. Click Save to store your settings.

Note: Search last updated on 1 Apr 2021.  Go to Search History/Alerts, select the line item and click Edit to limit results related to Covid-19 from December 2019 onwards using the "Published date” filter.

How to create alerts  in PsycInfo:

  1. Launch  PsycInfo database via Library portal
  2. Go to the Advanced Search page to perform a search
  3. Copy and paste the following search string into the search box

exp coronavirus/ or (covid-19 or covid19 or nCov or sars-cov-2 or sarscov2 or sarscov-2 or sars-coronavirus-2 or "sars corona virus" or "sars-like coronavirus" or "novel coronavirus" or "novel corona virus" or covid* or "coronavirus 2" or "coronavirus infection*" or "coronavirus disease" or "corona virus disease" or "new coronavirus" or "new corona virus" or "new coronaviruses" or "novel coronaviruses" or "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2" or ((coronavirus or ncov or sars-cov) adj5 ("2019" or "19" or Wuhan))).ti,ab.

  1. You can sign in or create a personal OVID account to save your search strategy and create Auto-alert.   
  2. Enter a Search Name and Comment for your search and select an alert schedule and click Save.

Note: Search last updated on 1 Apr 2021.  Use "Publication Year” filter to refine the search results related to Covid-19 from December 2019 onwards.