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General Economics guide listing relevant popular databases & journals.

Statistic of various genres

Visit the Statistics Library Guide to get started with your statistical exploration.

For more information on local statistics, visit this guide on Singapore Statistics.

For medical and health related statistics take a look at the Medical subject guide page on health statistics.

For business statistics, visit the Business Library Guide.

China statistics

Looking for GDP/CPI ? Start here

Inflation rates / CPI

Trade Statistics

Market research

Company information

Government and Financial Statistics

Country reports & Forecasts

International Health Statistics

General search engine for datasets

Government Data

These are free datasets provided by governments

Panel, Longitudinal, Microdata

Statistical Agencies

Sometimes the data you need is available for free on the country's statistical agency's website. Not sure where that is? Try the 2 lists below.

Google book

Sometimes a obscure statistic can be found in a diagram in a book or journal article. Do a search in Google Books or Google Scholar to check for this. Google Books might not give you access to the full book but limited preview mode might allow access to the diagram or graph. Journal articles often state where the data source is from, so this will give you a clue as well where to look for the statistics you need.  

Singapore Health Statistics