AccessMedicine™ (AM) is an online database of more than 60 medical textbooks published by McGraw-Hill. A number of these titles are in the Medical / Science Library RBR (recommended readings) collection, e.g. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg's Medical Microbiology, and others. AM also includes CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment series, Lange Case Files (real-life cases), and USMLE Self-assessment tool.
AM's updated content on wide range of topics from basic sciences, internal medicine, surgery, pharmacy, ethics, with thousands of images, illustrations and videos, interactive self-assessment, case files, diagnostic tools and a comprehensive search platform makes it one of the first database to access for students, residents, clinicians, researchers, and all health professionals. Updated continuously.
UpToDate is an evidence-based clinical information resource for point-of-care. It contains a wealth of information, from historical background to treatment recommendations. Within a topic or a clinical condition, there are links to pictures, graphics, drug information and other related topics. You can also search for drug information as Lexi-Comp and Lexi-Interact Online (drug resources) have been incorporated into UpToDate. Mobile version is available.
Pubmed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 26 million citations from MEDLINE, life science journals and online books for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. PubMed includes links to full text articles and other related resources. Staff and students are encouraged to access via NUS Libraries portal for seamless access to full articles subscribed by the Libraries.
Alternative access to search Medline (sub-set of PubMed). Provided by ProQuest and Ovid. Medline is a Biomedical literature database covering the fields of medicine, dentistry, nursing and health care system.
Our subscription to Micromedex Healthcare Series provides access to 2 subdatabases: the DRUGDEX System and MARTINDALE: The Complete Drug Reference.They provide extensive infromation on drugs and related substances including investigational drugs, herbal medicines, radiopharmaceuticals, contrast media and diagnostic agents, medicinal gases, drugs of abuse and recreational drugs, toxic substances, disinfectants, and pesticides. It links point-form overview of diseases with drugs used in their treatment, along with key references.