This video shows how to manage all the citations (or references) you retrieve from the bibliographic databases (PubMed, etc). Once you import the references into EndNote, you can review and weed out those that do not meet your inclusion criteria. Cite while you write will be mentioned in this video as well.
*As EndNote 20 had been released in October 2020, here is the link to the list of video to EndNote 20 (Windows) essential features.
The video series are for visual aid (without audio). The workflows shown within the feature-specific video segments in this playlist should teach the minimal knowledge and skills required to use EndNote for importing, organizing and utilizing citations. Therefore, you may watch the feature-specific video segments only if you have installed/downloaded the EndNote 20. Otherwise, you may refer to our Panopto recordings for detailed explanation on why and how to use EndNote in Systematic Review.
List of Resources/Libguides being mentioned in this video:
NUS EndNote Subject Guide guide provides an overview of how to install EndNote as well as how to export citations from different databases.