Medline (Ovid)
Alternative access to search Medline (sub-set of PubMed). Provided by Ovid. Medline is a Biomedical literature database covering the fields of medicine, dentistry, nursing and health care system.
Pubmed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes more than 28 million citations from MEDLINE, life science journals and online books for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. PubMed includes links to full text articles and other related resources. Staff and students are encouraged to access via NUS Libraries portal for seamless access to full articles subscribed by the Libraries.
Guides for searching PubMed available at: PubMed Tutorial (The Publisher)
A library of 7 databases providing information on effectiveness of health care interventions (prevention, treament or rehabilitation) to enable physicians, patients and health care service providers to make evidence-based decisions. Updated monthly. The main database is Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane reviews). Each Cochrane review is a full-text systematic review of existing primary research to establish whether or not there is conclusive evidence about the effectiveness of an intervention. (A review in progress is called "protocol" in the database). For information on effectiveness of healthcare interventions, it is advisable to search in The Cochrane Library before searching in PubMed.
UpToDate covers over 8,500 topics in 17 medical specialties and includes more than 97,000 pages of text, plus graphics, links to Medline abstracts, more than 385,000 references and a drug database. Physician editors and authors review and update our content continuously. An updated version of UpToDate is released every four months.
Lexi-Comp and Lexi Interact are included in NUS subscription.
Listed here the top 10 Nursing journals in terms of citations received. Information was provided by Journal Citation Reports, a product of Clarivate.