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Finding and Using Free-Use Online Content

Looking for free images, sound, music or video to use in your PowerPoint, e-Learning video or other digital projects? Curated here is a list of databases containing free content. Check the license terms before use.


Image © by National University of Singapore Libraries

This guide was first created in 2020 to support our Researcher Unbound Workshop "Finding and Using Free Media for your Digital Projects".

We hope it is helpful in your assignments or projects. 

It might also be useful if you are designing blended learning courses (see CIT's page on Blended Learning 2.0). 

Resources marked New! or Updated! have been added for the new calendar year. 

For more information or feedback pertaining to copyright education and awareness, please contact the  Copyright Awareness Team (CAT) team at 

Requests for legal advice will be escalated to the Office of Legal Affairs.

Copyright Basics

You can watch these videos to gain a brief understanding of finding free content and copyright. 

1. Finding Openly Available Content

2. 6 Things About Copyright

For a comprehensive overview of copyright relating to teaching, learning and research, please view our one-stop guide here.