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Finding and Using Free-Use Online Content

Looking for free images, sound, music or video to use in your PowerPoint, e-Learning video or other digital projects? Curated here is a list of databases containing free content. Check the license terms before use.


Banner © National University of Singapore Libraries. Images used Courtesy of Pexels under a Pexels License.

Important: Before use, double check the license!

 Check the applicable license terms of every single sound or music piece (especially if your purpose is commercial) to ensure you have the necessary permissions.

Sound and Music Databases

Sound Effects

A database of audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps, ... released under Creative Commons licenses that allow their reuse.

Mouseover the creative commons icons (e.g. undefinedundefined or undefined) next to each sound clip to check re-use terms or click on the sound clip page to check the re-use terms.

For attribution guidance please take a look at the freesound faq.

Thousands of free sound effects and sound clips.

For re-use terms, simply look at the "License" tag on each sound effect.


  • Bensound (only selected pieces are free)

Use Bensound's music available under the Free License (with the black download button) in your multimedia project (online videos, websites, animations, etc.) for free as long as you credit

Proper way to credit: "Music:" or "Music: « Song Title » from"

Music is free to use (even for commercial purposes) as long as you either:

  • provide a link to from your website
  • credit Audionautix with "music by"
  • use the following HTML codes for attribution:
    • <a href="">Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on</a>
    • <a href="">Music by</a>

Free to use as long as you provide the following line in the video description or website text: 

"Royalty free music from"

Each song has a different license. Please adapt accordingly. 

Mouseover icons next to the piece to find out which license it has. 

Creative commons music available (even for commercial uses) provided you attribute. 

More information on attribution in "Usage of the creative commons music" in the FAQ