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CH1101E Retelling Chinese Stories: Change and Continuity 中国经典故事的演变与传承: Main 主页

A guide to resources in CH1101E

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Unless otherwise stated, the contents in this guide CH1101E Retelling Chinese Stories: Change and Continuity 中国经典故事的演变与传承 © by National University of Singapore Libraries is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 . Attribute and link back to this LibGuide if you are going to re-use the content.

Introduction 简介

This subject guide covers resources available at the NUS Libraries. This is not a comprehensive subject guide, but rather a selective list of materials that are most useful for locating information in Chinese Studies.

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Resource Librarian

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Chow Chai Khim
NUS Central Library
+65 6601 7102
Subjects: Area Studies