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Copyright Awareness for Teaching, Learning and Research

Fair Use

Understanding the meaning of fair use will help you decide whether your use of copyrighted materials is in conformity with the copyright laws of Singapore.

Do note that only you are able to decide whether your use is fair, and that the library is unable to decide for you.

If in doubt, please rely on public domain works, or alternatively, use creative-commons licensed works which have clear-guidelines on re-use.

For legal advice, please reach out to the Office of Legal Affairs ("OLA") through your department.  

General Fair Use Provision

For the full provision, please refer to the division on Fair Use in the Copyright Act 2021 here.

Fair Use for Criticism or Review

For fair use of sound recordings, films, broadcasts and cable programmes, please refer to section 191-193 of the Copyright Act 2021 here.

Fair Use for Research and Study

You wish to copy a literary, dramatic or musical work for the purpose of research and study.

The quantities deemed fair use may be found in the Copyright Act here.

Note:  If you are making multiple copies (whether physically or online) for e-Reserves / Canvas Course Readings educational purposes there are additional legal requirements to comply with. Please follow the e-Reserves / Canvas Course Readings process here.