The aim of this guide is to provide copyright awareness and education in the following areas:
It does not constitute legal advice. For legal advice, please contact your legal counsel or the Office of Legal Affairs through your department.
The slides, tutorial handouts and other teaching materials uploaded to LumiNUS and Canvas are copyrighted and owned by NUS and/or its teaching staff.
You are not to:
...NUS slides, tutorial handouts and other teaching materials on commercial platforms.
Doing so is a violation of NUS's policies (e.g. NUS Student Code of Conduct) and Copyright Laws and may subject you to disciplinary action.
NUS e-Resources are Protected by Copyright
Material available through NUS e-Resources are all protected by copyright. Access to these resources have been paid for by NUS Libraries. These include:
Best Practices when Using NUS e-Resources:
Best Practice | Avoid Doing These Things |
1. download / print a copy for yourself 2. adhere to the printing and downloading guidelines |
1. exceeding printing and downloading guidelines for e-Books |
2. post / share simple links with your class or staff member |
2. post a copy (e.g. PDF article or chapter) on a shared site or file sharing site (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive) 3. distribute the materials through other digital media formats (e.g. social media, email) 4. share your e-Resource password with anyone else 5. print and share copies of the article/chapter with others |
What are the Consequences of Violations?
Possible Scenario:
Useful Policies
You are only allowed to photocopy / scan a "reasonable amount" of a book or journal article.
Please view the library policy on G. Copying of Library Materials here.
Plagiarism and Copyright are distinct concepts, although they are commonly confused.
Learn more about Plagiarism here.