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Mathematics & Statistics and Applied Probability: Open Educational Resources

Resource on Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Probability

Open Educational Resources in Mathematics, Statistics & Probability


Coursera partners top universities and organizations to offer free courses online.

An online OER platform providing open courses, textbooks, homework exercises and ancillary materials such as visualization and simulation.


MERLOT - Mathematics

Multimedia Educational Resource for Online Teaching (MERLOT) developed by the California State University Center Distributed Learning offers access to open educational materials.


MIT OpenCourseWare - Mathematics, Statistics & Probability

Open courses conducted in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).  Courseware provided with lecture notes, reading and course materials.


OER Commons - Mathematics 

A public digital library of open educational resources with learning and teaching materials freely available for everyone to use/reuse.

OER Search Tool

NUS Libraries Subject Guide on OER

Learn more about Open Educational Resources, copyright, attribution, evaluating OER and more.