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CNM Communications and New Media: Resources for Academic Staff

Useful Resources for CNM


Here are some resources and links that you may find useful. NUS Libraries provides a wide range of services to help you in your academic research and teaching. If you require any clarification or further help, do contact any of the CNM Librarians listed on this libguide's front page.


Library Services for Academic Staff

Want to know what library services are available at your disposal?

Visit this link to find a list of library services available for academic staff for their teaching and research.

Some of the popular services include:

Information Literacy Programs

Do your students need to know how to find and evaluate information?

Our CNM resource librarians provide customised information literacy programs (ILP) for CNM modules. We have been conducting such ILPs for modules like FAS1101, GEH1061, NM2303, NM3210, NM3219, NM4221, and NM6770.

Topics covered in these classes include:

  • How to navigate the library catalogue, databases, ScholarBank, etc.
  • Basic information search skills
  • Academic sources for their assignments and essays
  • How to evaluate Internet sources and websites
  • Citing using citation management software, i.e. Mendeley or Endnote
  • Research tools, i.e. Proxy Bookmarklet

These classes aim to improve a student's search skills in finding relevant academic sources (e.g. journal articles, newspaper articles) for their assignments, essays and thesis/dissertation writing. If you are interested to have one for your module, do contact us and we will be glad to have a discussion with you.

Measuring Your Research Impact

H-index, impact factor, field-weighted citation impact (FWCI). Wonder what these are?

Visit our Research Impact Libguide created by our Bibliometrics Team to learn more about how the library can help you.

The Bibliometrics Team can help you:

  • to understand what are citation metrics
  • to analyse your research impact on Scopus / WoS or Google Scholar
  • to benchmark yourself with others
  • with your Annual Review (AR) or Promotion & Tenure (P&T) requirements


Haven't got an ORCID iD, but wish to learn how to get one?

Learn more about ORCID iD from our ORCID libguide.

Your ORCID iD is/can:

  • a unique author identifier
  • help with name disambiguities
  • mobile and lifelong
  • be displayed on your CV or social media to highlight academic achievements
  • used when submitting manuscripts or grants
  • used to 'auto-claim' publications in NUS Elements

Simply go to the ORCID website-- to register.

NUS Elements

NUS Elements is the new Research Information Management System that will replace SPS.

If you are wondering about questions like:

  • Why do I have hundreds of articles that are 'Pending'?
  • Why is my h-index in Elements different from Scopus/Web of Science?
  • How to populate my list of publications in Elements?
  • Do I still have to check Scopus/WoS/Scival even though I have Elements?
  • How is ORCID iD related to NUS Elements.....

You can contact us for help!


Other useful links or resources