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Patents: Databases

Resources for Patent Information

NUS Libraries Subscribed Databases

NUS Libraries Subscribed Database : PatSnap

NUS staff and students can access to subscribed online resources. Please always access these databases via NUS Libraries Portal.

Access to PatSnap

The PatSnap database provides coverage of over 170 jurisdictions, offering full text data from organisations such as the European Patent Office (EPO), World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), America, China, Germany, Japan. PatSnap covers over 160 million patents.

These subscribed databases also have selected coverage on patents.

NUS staff and students can access to subscribed online resources. Please always access these databases via NUS Libraries Portal.

  • Nexis Uni (Previously: Lexis Nexis Academic)
    • Popular database containing an extensive range of news, business and legal sources.
    • This database also covers patents (for better search experience, go to Menu, select Patents (drop down option)
    • FAQs/Help
  • Reaxys provides search, analysis and synthesis chemical reaction tools that support and enhance chemists' workflow. It contains a repository of experimentally validated data obtained from the combined content of the three major databases: CrossFire Beilstein, CrossFire Gmelin and Patent Chemistry Database. Validated measured data provided include chemical reactions, chemical substances, measured substance property data and physical, biochemical, application data
  • Patent coverage in Reaxys
  • Reaxys Tutorials (Elsevier)
  • SciFinder-n provides an integrated information access to references, substances, reactions and suppliers in chemistry and related fields. It is embedded with PatentPak, Synthetic Methods and Retrosynthesis planning. PatentPak provides access to ~18 million searchable, full-text patents from 46 major patent offices across the globe
  • Scopus
    • An abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources with smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. As of January 2020, it contains over 77 million records from 25,000 active journal titles and more than 44 million patent records from five patent offices (World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), European Patent Office (EPO), US Patent Office (USPTO), Japanese Patent Office (JPO) and UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO.GOV.UK))
    • FAQs/Help
  • Web of Science