Google Patents covers over 120 million patent publications from 100+ patent offices as well as technical documents and books indexed in Google Scholar and Google Books and documents from Prior Art Archive
Free Full-text worldwide patent searching covering US, Europe, Australia and WIPO, etc. Non patent literature linked to Lens patent documents can also be searched/retrieved. It has over 225+ million scholarly works, 127+ million patent records and 370+ million patent sequences
The PATENTSCOPE database provides access to over 99 million patent documents including published international Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) applications (over 4.2 million) as well patent documents of participating national and regional patent offices. Chemical structure search, sub-structure search and Markush search are available (WIPO account required)
Searching in databases - China [EPO] - This European Patent Office (EPO) page has provided some help and tips on how to Chinese patent databases including the above two websites
DEPATISnet is the database of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office. International coverage of patent publications from around the world. Search interface is in English or German
Access to patent information including patent/utility model, design, trademark, etc. Managed by the National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT)
Search for published patent applications and registered patents using the Intellectual Property Office’s patent information and document service (Ipsum) and patent publication service
"ASEAN Designview is the common online industrial design information platform of the ASEAN Member States aimed at making ASEAN designs data widely available and easily accessible to all interested stakeholders."