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Research Methods: Teaching with SRM

Teaching Research Methods with SRM

Incorporating SRM Content into your Modules
The following tools can help faculty to  incorporate SRM content into their modules:
  1. Reading Lists
    Reading lists help instructors select supplementary material from book chapters, case studies and sample data sets to match their syllabus or textbook and create a list for their students to access. With the embed feature,  you can place the hyperlink list directly into your course management system so that students can access. The selected content cases are especially well suited for use in the classroom. Each case includes learning objectives and discussion questions that are good for in-class discussion. You can also assign case studies for pre-class reading and then have students isolate each step of the research process in a class discussion or in groups.
  2. Datasets
    The data sets collection host teaching datasets accompanied by how-to guides that walk students through the method being demonstrated and show how to analyze the data provided. These can be assigned as homework or to use in stats labs. The data can also be used for exam questions.

Quantitative data sets are available in a number of file formats for use in various software packages including SPSS or Excel.

Sage research methods also provides qualitative data sets for those who wish to give their students hands-on practice with qualitative data analysis techniques.

  1. Videos
    Like the reading lists, video is also easy to embed in your course management system. You can even create custom clips from longer videos. You can also assign videos to watch ahead of class for discussion or use one of expert interviews to show an alternative viewpoint in class or lectures. The documentary style videos show research in action, so students can watch a focus group being conducted while they're learning the principles of focus groups.

Students can also re-watch videos outside of class. The statistics videos are particularly helpful to students to review their understanding

To find more useful tips on using sage research methods in the classroom, visit the Faculty Resources page.

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