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Systematic Reviews

Systematic review services

NUS Libraries’ Systematic Review Team offers systematic review services to support NUS staff and students who undertake systematic literature searching.  We provide services to the NUS Community, in the following order of priority:  

  • NUS staff and students who need help and guidance in systematic search for publication purposes
  • Graduate students to fulfill the candidature for the master’s or PhD degree
  • Year 4 or Honour’s Year students embarking on FYPs or honour’s year projects

Requests from external collaborators who are not part of the NUS community are considered on a case-by-case basis.

How to use this service

Our Team guides and trains reviewers to be independent systematic searchers.  Acknowledgement of the services provided by NUS Libraries is highly encouraged to recognise the significant contributions of the Librarian to the systematic review. 

Do note that it is the sole responsibility of the review team to revise and finalise the search strategy after receiving training on the search methodology. We are unable to conduct the search for you or approve your search strategy. 

Our Systematic Review Team may provide guidance in:

  1. Formulating research question
  2. Conducting preliminary search
  3. Recommending appropriate sources to search
  4. Developing search strategies
  5. Translating search strategy into other databases
  6. Organising and documenting search results (e.g. Using EndNote)
  7. Resources on conducting and reporting guidelines (e.g. PRISMA Statement)

We offer various key partnerships with NUS community through the following:

  • Systematic review workshops/Tutorials
  • Consultations (includes individual and group)

Please contact us at to organise Systematic Review workshops.

  1. Ensure that your review question has not been done or registered.  You may conduct a search in Prospero, the Cochrane Library or refer the NUS Libraries’ Systematic Reviews Guide on  Find existing systematic review  

  2. Fill in the details of your research in the Search Template
  3. Submit your protocol (if available)
  4. Provide few relevant studies for reference
  5. Register as an audit track learner to join the free 5 week self-paced MOOC course on The Art and Science of Searching in Systematic Reviews to familiarize yourself with the search methodology and the various databases (e.g. Pubmed, Cochrane Library, Embase, or CINAHL)  

Staff and students can schedule a research consultation with the NUS Libraries’ Systematic Review Team by emailing us at  Currently, we provide either an online (e.g. Zoom or MS Teams) or face-to-face session.   You shall receive a respond within 3 working days upon submission of your request.