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A source for research and instructions for finding and using statistics on Singapore. An annotated bibliography

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Lyndia Chen
NUS Central Library
+65 6601 7097


This annotated bibliography aims to help library users identify relevant publications held in the NUS Library and relevant Web sites containing statistical data on Singapore for the period 1965 onwards.

The statistical publications are arranged by broad subject categories with annotations based on the latest issue held in the Library at the time of compilation. Only materials containing largely quantitative statistical data are listed while materials with largely qualitative data are excluded. Although the time period covered is from 1965 onwards, some publications containing historical data are included for easy reference.

Main Sources

Main area of statistics

The main areas of statistics and the respective organisations with the primary responsibility for each area are categorised as follows (where available, links to statistics on the respective websites are provided):

Singapore Economy
Economic Structure and Performance Singapore Department of Statistics
Labour, Employment and Wages Ministry of Manpower, Central Provident Fund Board
Productivity Singapore Department of Statistics, SPRING Singapore
Consumer and Producer Prices Singapore Department of Statistics
Manufacturing Economic Development Board
Construction and Real Estate Building and Construction Authority,  Urban Redevelopment Authority
Services Singapore Department of Statistics
External Trade International Enterprise Singapore
Transport and Storage Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, Land Transport Authority, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
Info-Communication InfoComm Development Authority of Singapore
Tourism Singapore Tourism Board
Money & Banking Monetary Authority of Singapore
Public Finance Ministry of Finance, Singapore Budget
Research and Development Agency for Science, Technology and Research
Agri-Food & Veterinary Agri-food & Veterinary Authority
Electricity and Gas Energy Market Authority
Industrial Properties (under JTC Corporation) JTC Corporation
Civil Service Public Service Division
Singapore Households and Population
Households and Housing Singapore Department of Statistics, Housing and Development Board
Household Expenditure & Income Singapore Department of Statistics
Population Singapore Department of Statistics
Traffic Safety, Immigration, Crime, Births and Deaths Singapore Department of Statistics, Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore Traffic Police, Immigration and Checkpoints Authority
Community and Social Services Ministry of Social and Family Development
Education Ministry of Education
Health Ministry of Health
Environment Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, National Environment Agency
Sports, Culture and Recreation National Arts Council, Singapore Sports Council
Loan of Library Materials National Library Board


Source: Singapore Statistics Department website