Databases contain articles in journals, papers in conference proceedings, newspapers, chapters in books, reports and reviews. Mobile versions of select databases are available.
Access the databases via Library Portal to take advantage of the seamless links to subscribed full-text of the articles. Most databases allow you to register to receive email alerts of new articles. To access the full-text from the article links listed in your email alerts, you will have to install the NUS proxy bookmarklet.
To facilitate writing up your assignment, report or paper -- citing reference as you write -- before you start your database search, do check out how to import (download) your citations to a bibliographic management software like EndNote or EndNote Web.
Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of Public Health Research, databases listed here are grouped by disciplines. You may also browse the complete list of all the databases subscribed by NUS either by title or subject.
Get the Find it! @NUS Libraries for Google Scholar filter to have seamless access to NUS Libraries subscribed materials.
Alternative access to search Medline (sub-set of PubMed). Provided by ProQuest and Ovid. Medline is a Biomedical literature database covering the fields of medicine, dentistry, nursing and health care system.
Trip is a clinical search engine designed to find high quality research evidence to support clinical practice and care. It simultaneously searches evidence-based sources of systematic reviews, practice guidelines, MEDLINE's Clinical Queries, medical image databases, e-textbooks, and patient information.
Specialised filter to search clinical studies categories.
It is a search engine that supports clinical decisions by making it easier to find and apply relevant knowledge. It provides full text access to selected medical texts, medical journals, practice guidelines, drug information, patient handouts and continuing medical education (CME) materials.
It is an interactive education platform that supports students and faculty by enhancing the learning experience with tools tailored to develop and assess the medical knowledge of aspiring professionals.
Health and Psychosocial Instruments
It is a database that provides access to information on approximately 15,000 measurement instruments (i.e. questionnaires, interview schedules, checklists, coding schemes, rating scales, etc.) in the fields of health and psychosocial sciences. The database covers 1985 to date and is updated quarterly.
The full-text of the instruments are not included in the database and even if the full-text instrument is found in an article, the test may be subject to copyright.
HaPI can be used to:
For more online newspapers, look under Library portal and follow the steps below:
Click on Database link on the portal.
Browse by “Type” dropdown, select E-Newspapers.