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Philosophy: Main

Guide listing relevant resources in Philosophy.

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This Libguide covers essential resources in Philosophy available at the NUS Libraries . Clicking on the  tabs above, will lead you to more information about those resources : 

  • Databases
    Recommended Philosophy databases for searching journal articles, book chapters and reviews.
  • Journals
    Some high impact journals relating to Philosophy are listed
  • Reference Sources
    Sources like bibliographies, dictionaries, encyclopaedias and handbooks are highlighted here
  • Theses

            Search for academic exercises, theses and dissertations here 

  •  Find FullText  
     Find It@NUS Libraries - Once this is set up in Google Scholar, access to full text articles of Library-subscribed titles is possible with a click! 
     Proxy bookmarklet -  Install the NUS library proxy to locate full-text  of Google  Scholar or Google article links
  • ​ Open Educational Resources (OER)  
    OER materials are available in the public domain or issued under a license that allows for free use and re-purposing. Links to access textbooks, courseware, videos and other open resources relating to Philosophy are available here.
  • ​ Internet Sources
     Websites, blogs and forums relating to Philosophy
  • Writing 
    Guides on writing Philosophy papers
  • Citing
    Guide on citing references in various citation styles. 
    Includes a guide on citation  managers, for example, Zotero, Mendeley and EndNote.

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