New Law Books for the Month Jan-Feb 2025
Please find the list of new law books added to the library collection from January to February 2025.
Books in print format
Building contract law in Singapore / Edwin Lee Peng Khoon.
Call number: KE5134 Bui.Le 2024
Cases & materials on international law / Martin Dixon, Robert McCorquodale and Sarah Williams.
Call number: KZ3410 Dix 2024
Company law / Brenda Hannigan.
Call number: KB109.2 Han 2024
Competition law / Richard Whish, David Bailey.
Call Number: KB41.1 Whi 2024
EU law: text, cases, and materials / Paul Craig and Gráinne de Búrca.
Call number: KD33 Cra 2024
Craies on legislation: a practitioners' guide to the nature, process, effect and interpretation of legislation / editor, Daniel Greenberg
Call number: KB28 Cra 2025
Information technology law: the law and society / Andrew Murray.
Call number: KB126 Mur 2023
Land law: text, cases, and materials / Ben McFarlane, Nick Hopkins, Sarah Nield.
Call number: KB169 Mcf 2024
Law and mind: mental health law and policy in Canada / general editors, Jennifer A. Chandler [and] Colleen M. Flood.
Call number: KB77.4 Law 2016
New property in international law / Jean Ho.
Call number: KG720 Ho 2024 (Available Online)
Public law: text, cases, and materials / Andrew Le Sueur, Maurice Sunkin, Jo Eric Khushal Murkens.
Call number: KB21 Les 2023
Singapore civil procedure: 2025. Volume 1 & 2 / [general editor, Cavinder Bull SC and a team of expert contributors]
Call number: KE5190 Sin 2025
Smith, Hogan, and Ormerod's criminal law / David Ormerod, Karl Laird, Matthew Gibson.
Call number: KB91 Smi 2024
South Asia, the British Empire, and the rise of classical legal thought: toward a historical ontology of the law / Faisal Chaudry.
Call number: KB20.4 Cha 2024 (Available Online)
Textbook on land law / Aruna Nair.
Call number: KB169 Mac 2023
The collected documents of the Group of 77. Volume VII, Global environmental governance: climate change / edited by Mourad Ahmia.
Call number: KG3585.5 Col 2024
Tort law: directions / Carol Brennan.
Call number: KB180 Ber 2024
Understanding maritime security / Christian Bueger, Timothy Edmunds.
Call number: V185 Bue 2024 (Available Online)
Please click the link below to view the list of law ebooks added to the library collection.
Cabatingan, Lee. A region among states [electronic resource]: law and non-sovereignty in the Caribbean (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2024)
[Available online]
Della Cananea, Giacinto & Jean-Bernard Auby, eds. General principles and sector-specific rules in European administrative laws [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Kerr, Orin S. The digital Fourth Amendment [electronic resource]: privacy and policing in our online world (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2025])
[Available online]
Chiara, Pier Giorgio. The Internet of Things and EU Law [electronic resource]: Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection Challenges, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Hanneman, Henri W.A.M. The Patentability of Computer Software [electronic resource]: An International Guide to the Protection of Computer-Related Inventions (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
Hervey, Matt & Matthew Lavy, eds. The law of artificial intelligence, Second edition. (London: Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters, 2024)
KB126.1 Art.La 2024
Nikolinakos, Nikos Th. Adapting the EU Civil Liability Regime to the Digital Age: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Other Emerging Technologies [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Podszun, Rupprecht, ed. Digital Markets Act: article-by-article commentary, First edition. (Baden-Baden, Germany : Nomos ; München, Germany : C.H. Beck ; Oxford, United Kingdom ; New York, NY, USA : Hart Publishing, 2024)
KD46 Dig 2024
Poorhashemi, Abbas, ed. Artificial Intelligence and the Future of International Law [electronic resource]: Bridging Rights, Trade, and Arbitration, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Popović, Dušan V & Rainer Kulms, eds. Repositioning Platforms in Digital Market Law [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Voigt, Paul, Nils Hullen. The EU AI Act [electronic resource]: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, 1st ed. 2024. (Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
B., Sandeepa Bhat, Dilip Ukey & Adithya Variath, eds. International space law in the new space era [electronic resource]: principles and challenges (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Fach Gómez, Katia & Catharine Titi, eds. The award in international investment arbitration [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Chaudhry, Faisal Naseem. South Asia, the British Empire, and the rise of classical legal thought [electronic resource]: toward a historical ontology of the law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Krishnaprasad, K. V., Niranjan Venkatesan, Shivprasad Swaminathan & Umakanth Varottil, eds. Foundations of Indian contract law [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Rellensmann, Clara. Appropriating Sacred Spaces [electronic resource]: Heritage Politics in Myanmar, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Sun, Xianzhong. Jurisprudence and Practical Logic of Civil Code [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Clermont, Kevin M. A General Theory of Evidence and Proof [electronic resource]: Forming Beliefs in Truth, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer International Publishing: Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Farber, Shai. The Amicus Curiae Phenomenon [electronic resource]: Theory, Causes and the Significance of Third Party Interventions, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Krotoszynski, Ronald J. Free speech as civic structure [electronic resource]: a comparative analysis of how courts and culture shape the freedom of speech (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Esayas, Samson Y. Data privacy and competition law in the age of big data [electronic resource]: unpacking the interface through complexity science (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Gorecka, Arletta. The Interface between Competition Law and Data Privacy Law [electronic resource]: Violation of Privacy as an Exploitative Theory of Harm under Article 102 TFEU, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Rimšaitė, Laura. The Crossroads of Competition Law and Energy Regulation [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Banu, Roxana, Michael S. Green & Ralf Michaels, eds. Philosophical foundations of private international law [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Briggs, Adrian. The conflict of laws [electronic resource], Fifth edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
[Available online]
Arnold, Rainer & Toni Fickentscher, eds. The Responsibility of a Constitution for the Future [electronic resource]: Contributions to the World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law in Johannesburg, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Choudhry, Sujit, Michaela Hailbronner & Mattias Kumm, eds. Global canons in an age of contestation [electronic resource]: debating foundational texts of constitutional democracy and human rights (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Fombad, Charles Manga & N. C. Steytler, eds. Constitutional identity and constitutionalism in Africa [electronic resource], First edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
[Available online]
Fortin, Marie-France. The king can do no wrong [electronic resource]: constitutional fundamentals, common law history, and crown liability (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Kerr, Orin S. The digital Fourth Amendment [electronic resource]: privacy and policing in our online world (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2025])
[Available online]
Schneiderman, David. Constitutional review and international investment law [electronic resource]: deference or defiance? First edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
[Available online]
Siegel, Neil S. The collective-action constitution [electronic resource] (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Day, William & Julius Grower, eds. Borderlines in private law [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Krishnaprasad, K. V., Niranjan Venkatesan, Shivprasad Swaminathan & Umakanth Varottil, eds. Foundations of Indian contract law [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Ashford, Mark,...[et al.],. Blackstones' Handbook of Youths in the Criminal Courts [electronic resource] ., Third edition / (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
[Available online]
Cochrane, Vivien & Will Hayes. Legal professional privilege in criminal investigations and proceedings [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Helm, Rebecca K. How juries work [electronic resource]: and how they could work better (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Khodadadi, Bahman. On theocratic criminal law [electronic resource]: the rule of religion and punishment in Iran (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Kolber, Adam J. Punishment for the greater good [electronic resource] (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Clifford, Damian. Data protection law and emotion [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Esayas, Samson Y. Data privacy and competition law in the age of big data [electronic resource]: unpacking the interface through complexity science (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Gorecka, Arletta. The Interface between Competition Law and Data Privacy Law [electronic resource]: Violation of Privacy as an Exploitative Theory of Harm under Article 102 TFEU, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Gupta, Indranath, Sherin Sarah Philip & Paarth Naithani. Introduction to Data Protection Law [electronic resource]: Cases and Materials from the EU, 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Voigt, Paul, Axel von dem Bussche. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) [electronic resource]: A Practical Guide, 2nd ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Yakovleva, Svetlana. Governing cross-border data flows [electronic resource]: reconciling EU data protection and international trade law, First edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
[Available online]
International Fiscal Association. Practical approaches to international tax dispute prevention and resolution (Rotterdam: International Fiscal Association (IFA), [2024])
KB80 Cdfi 108b 2024
Salem, Peter & Kelly Browe Olson, eds. Family dispute resolution [electronic resource]: process and practice (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Dunlop, Emma. Access to courts for asylum seekers and refugees [electronic resource]: state obligations under the 1951 Refugee Convention, First edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
[Available online]
Olawuyi, Damilola S.,...[et al.], eds. Net zero and natural resources law [electronic resource]: sovereignty, security, and solidarity in the clean energy transition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Rimšaitė, Laura. The Crossroads of Competition Law and Energy Regulation [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Iglesias Márquez, Daniel, Clara Esteve-Jordà & Beatriz Felipe Pérez, eds. Legal Challenges at the End of the Fossil Fuel Era [electronic resource]: Shaping a Just and Clean Energy Transition, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024)
[Available online]
Lin, Jolene, Jacqueline Peel, Jacqueline Peel. Litigating climate change in the Global South [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Gvelesiani, Irina. The Origin of the Trust [electronic resource]: A Comparative Linguistics and Law Perspective, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Bogdandy, Armin von, Naomi Shulman & Theodor Shulman. The emergence of European society through public law [electronic resource]: a Hegelian and anti-Schmittian approach, First edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
[Available online]
Chiara, Pier Giorgio. The Internet of Things and EU Law [electronic resource]: Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection Challenges, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Della Cananea, Giacinto & Jean-Bernard Auby, eds. General principles and sector-specific rules in European administrative laws [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
González Campañá, Núria. Secession and European Union law [electronic resource]: the deferential attitude (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Gupta, Indranath, Sherin Sarah Philip & Paarth Naithani. Introduction to Data Protection Law [electronic resource]: Cases and Materials from the EU, 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Nikolinakos, Nikos Th. Adapting the EU Civil Liability Regime to the Digital Age: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Other Emerging Technologies [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
O'Connor, Niall. Business freedoms and fundamental rights in European Union law [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2025])
[Available online]
Pflücke, Felix. Compliance with European consumer law [electronic resource]: the case of e-commerce (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Pipidi-Kalogirou, Kornilia. Regulatory Cooperation Chapters in the new Generation FTAS [electronic resource]: Legitimacy Requirements for their Manifestation and Interaction with the EU Legal Order, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Schebesta, Hanna, Kai Purnhagen, Kai Purnhagen. EU food law [electronic resource] (Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Voigt, Paul, Axel von dem Bussche. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) [electronic resource]: A Practical Guide, 2nd ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Voigt, Paul, Nils Hullen. The EU AI Act [electronic resource]: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, 1st ed. 2024. (Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Yakovleva, Svetlana. Governing cross-border data flows [electronic resource]: reconciling EU data protection and international trade law, First edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
[Available online]
Salem, Peter & Kelly Browe Olson, eds. Family dispute resolution [electronic resource]: process and practice (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Human rights in transition [electronic resource], First edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
[Available online]
Ali, Sk Sagir & Avijit Basak, eds. Marginal Narratives and the Question of Human Rights in Asian Pacific Literature [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Arstein-Kerslake, Anna. The right to legal personhood of marginalised groups [electronic resource]: achieving equal recognition before the law for all (Oxford: Oxford University Press,[2024])
[Available online]
Bhuiyan, Md Jahid Hossain & Borhan Uddin Khan, eds. Human Rights after 75 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [electronic resource]: Reflections from the Global South (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
Burgorgue-Larsen, Laurence. The 3 regional human rights courts in context [electronic resource]: justice that cannot be taken for granted, First edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
[Available online]
Chan, Cora. Deference in human rights adjudication [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Copeland, Damian. A Functional Approach to the Legal Review of Autonomous Weapon Systems [electronic resource] (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2025)
[Available online]
Fyjis-Walker, Matthew. Who Benefits from the Sanitized Language of Violence? [electronic resource] (Leiden ; Boston : Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
Krotoszynski, Ronald J. Free speech as civic structure [electronic resource]: a comparative analysis of how courts and culture shape the freedom of speech (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Morris, Tamer. The Protection of Civilians in Peacekeeping Operations [electronic resource]: A Legal Obligation (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2025)
[Available online]
Oette, Lutz. The transformation of the prohibition of torture in international law [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
O'Rourke, Maeve. Human rights and the care of older people [electronic resource]: dignity, vulnerability, and the anti-torture norm (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Ramcharan, Bertrand. New Dimensions in the International Protection of Human Rights and the Need for a New Human Rights Diplomacy [electronic resource] (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
Stone Sweet, Alec & Wayne Sandholtz. The law and politics of international human rights courts [electronic resource]: the dilemma of effectiveness (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Veerakatty, Vijitha. Arbitrary Withholding of Consent to Humanitarian Relief in Non-international Armed Conflict [electronic resource]: Legal Regulations and Consequences (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
Wadham, John. Blackstone's guide to the Human Rights Act 1998 [electronic resource] ., Eighth edition / (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Bork, Reinhard & Renato Mangano, eds. The anatomy of corporate insolvency law [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Arnould, Joseph, ...[et al.],. Arnould: law of marine insurance and average, 21st edition. (London: Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters, 2024)
KB202 Arn 2024
Colinvaux, Raoul P., Robert M. Merkin, Laura Hodgson & Peter J. Tyldesley. Colinvaux's law of insurance [electronic resource], Thirteenth edition. (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2022)
[Available online]
Barnett, Jonathan M. The big steal [electronic resource]: ideology, interest, and the undoing of intellectual property (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Agbor, Avitus. Prosecuting "Hate Speech" in International Criminal Law [electronic resource]: Rethinking the Issues of Criminal Participation and Causation, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Drumbl, Mark A. & Caroline Fournet, eds. Sights, Sounds, and Sensibilities of Atrocity Prosecutions [electronic resource] (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
Laverty, Ciara. Meaning Making in International Criminal Law [electronic resource]: A Normative Account of the Acts that Constitute International Crimes (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
McDermott, Yvonne. Proving international crimes [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Ullrich, Leila. Victims and the labour of justice at the International Criminal Court [electronic resource]: the blame cascade (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Zeghal, Malika. The making of the modern Muslim State: Islam and governance in the Middle East and North Africa (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, [2024])
JC49 Zeg 2024
Bueno, Nicolas, B. P. ter Haar & Nuna Zekić, eds. Labour law utopias [electronic resource]: post-growth and post-productive work approaches (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Reis, José M. Information in International Law [electronic resource]: An Empirical Study, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Sarat, Austin, ed. Reconceptualizing state of exception [electronic resource]: European lessons from the pandemic (Bingley, U.K.: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024)
[Available online]
Bora, Alfons. Sociology of law [electronic resource]: Towards a responsive theory, 1st ed. 2024. (Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Cowan, Sharon & Simon Halliday, eds. Socio-Legal Generation [electronic resource]: Essays in Honour of Michael Adler, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024)
[Available online]
Hasnas, John. Common law liberalism [electronic resource]: a new theory of the libertarian society (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Bußjäger, Peter & Mathias Eller, eds. The Making and Ending of Federalism [electronic resource] (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
Chaudhry, Faisal Naseem. South Asia, the British Empire, and the rise of classical legal thought [electronic resource]: toward a historical ontology of the law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Craig, Paul. English administrative law from 1550 [electronic resource]: continuity and change (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Donlan, Seán Patrick, ...[et al.], eds. A Companion to Western Legal Traditions [electronic resource]: From Antiquity to the Twentieth Century (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
Fortin, Marie-France. The king can do no wrong [electronic resource]: constitutional fundamentals, common law history, and crown liability (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Funk, Kellen R. Law's machinery [electronic resource]: reforming the craft of lawyering in America's industrial age (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2025])
[Available online]
Green, Leslie & Brian Leiter, eds. Oxford studies in philosophy of law. Volume 5 [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Mack, Kenneth Walter & Jacob Katz Cogan, eds. In between and across [electronic resource]: legal history without boundaries (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Wiecek, William M. The dark past [electronic resource]: the US Supreme Court and African Americans, 1800-2015 (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Barton, Jill. The Supreme Guide to Writing [electronic resource] (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Bayefsky, Rachel. Dignity and judicial authority [electronic resource] (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2024])
[Available online]
Burazin, Luka, Kenneth Einar Himma & Giorgio Pino, eds. Jurisprudence in the mirror [electronic resource]: the common law world meets the civil law world (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Farber, Shai. The Amicus Curiae Phenomenon [electronic resource]: Theory, Causes and the Significance of Third Party Interventions, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Kramer, Matthew H. Rights and right-holding [electronic resource]: a philosophical investigation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Wojciechowski, Bartosz. Narrative Identity as a Condition for Authentic Legal Subjectivity [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Arnould, Joseph, ...[et al.],. Arnould: law of marine insurance and average, 21st edition. (London: Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters, 2024)
KB202 Arn 2024
Dias, Julia, ...[et al.],. Carver on charterparties, Third edition. (London: Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters, 2024)
KB204 Shi.Ca 2024
Girvin, Stephen & Vibe Ulfbeck, eds. Carbon-free shipping and shipping carbon: contracts in context, 1st ed. (London: Hart Publishing, 2024)
KG1176 Car 2024
Tettenborn, Andrew & , F. D Rose. Admiralty claims, Second edition. (London: Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters, 2024)
KB202.1 Col.Te 2024
Salecl, Renata, ed. Legal, Ethical and Medical Aspects of Triage [electronic resource]: Whom to Save during a Pandemic? 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Essert, Christopher. Property law in the society of equals (New York: Oxford University Press, [2024])
KG720 Ess 2024
Essert, Christopher. Property law in the society of equals [electronic resource] (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2024)
[Available online]
Ho, Jean. New property in international law [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Arstein-Kerslake, Anna. The right to legal personhood of marginalised groups [electronic resource]: achieving equal recognition before the law for all (Oxford: Oxford University Press,[2024])
[Available online]
D'Aspremont, Jean & Işil Aral, eds. International law and universality [electronic resource], First edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
[Available online]
Ho, Jean. New property in international law [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Howley, Jessica. Overlapping individual and interstate claims in international law [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Khalil, Mona Ali & Floriane Lavaud Lavaud, eds. Empowering the UN Security Council [electronic resource]: reforms to address modern threats (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Kilibarda, Pavle. Recognition of states in international law [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Laverty, Ciara. Meaning Making in International Criminal Law [electronic resource]: A Normative Account of the Acts that Constitute International Crimes (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
Oette, Lutz. The transformation of the prohibition of torture in international law [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Ramcharan, Bertrand. New Dimensions in the International Protection of Human Rights and the Need for a New Human Rights Diplomacy [electronic resource] (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
Regan, Milton C. & Aurel Sari. Hybrid threats and grey zone conflict [electronic resource]: the challenge to liberal democracies (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Reis, José M. Information in International Law [electronic resource]: An Empirical Study, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
[Available online]
Roscini, Marco. International law and the principle of non-intervention [electronic resource]: history, theory, and interactions with other principles (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Rosenne, Shabtai. The Law and Practice of the International Court, 1920-1996 [electronic resource]: Volume I. The court and the United Nations (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
Rosenne, Shabtai. The Law and Practice of the International Court, 1920-1996 [electronic resource]: Volume II. Jurisdiction (Leiden ; Boston : Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
Rosenne, Shabtai. The Law and Practice of the International Court, 1920-1996 [electronic resource]: Volume IV. The charter of the United Nations, statute and rules of court. Indexes (Leiden ; Boston : Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
Rosenne, Shabtai. The Law and Practice of the International Court, 1920-1996, Third Edition [electronic resource]: Volume III. Procedure (Leiden ; Boston : Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
Schmitt, Michael N.,...[et al.], eds. Making and shaping the law of armed conflict [electronic resource] (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Simon, Hendrik. A century of anarchy? [electronic resource]: war, normativity, and the birth of modern international order, First edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
[Available online]
Siniver, Asaf. The international arbitration of territorial disputes [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Veerakatty, Vijitha. Arbitrary Withholding of Consent to Humanitarian Relief in Non-international Armed Conflict [electronic resource]: Legal Regulations and Consequences (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2024)
[Available online]
Wentker, Alexander. Party status to armed conflict in international law [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Summers, Andy. Mitigation in the law of damages [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2025])
[Available online]
Virgo, Graham. The principles of the law of restitution [electronic resource], Fourth edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
[Available online]
Chia, Doris. Defamation: principles and procedure in Singapore and Malaysia, 2nd edition. (Singapore: LexisNexis, [2024])
KE5182 Lib.Ch 2024
International Fiscal Association. Finding the meaning of nexus for taxes: past, present and future (Rotterdam: International Fiscal Association (IFA), [2024])
KB80 Cdfi 108a 2024
International Fiscal Association. Practical approaches to international tax dispute prevention and resolution (Rotterdam: International Fiscal Association (IFA), [2024])
KB80 Cdfi 108b 2024
Kofler, Georg, ...[et al.], eds. Crypto assets: tax law and policy (The Netherlands: IBFD, [2024])
KG4433 Cry 2024
Chia, Doris. Defamation: principles and procedure in Singapore and Malaysia, 2nd edition. (Singapore: LexisNexis, [2024])
KE5182 Lib.Ch 2024
Gardner, Jodi & Sarah Green. Tort law: cases and materials (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2024)
KB180 Gar 2024
Stapleton, Jane...[et al.], eds. Torts on three continents [electronic resource]: honouring Jane Stapleton (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Steel, Sandy. Omissions in tort law (New York: Oxford University Press, [2024])
KB180 Ste 2024
Steel, Sandy. Omissions in tort law [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Adekemi, Afolabi Oluwatomiwa. Attracting African States Participation in a Multilateral Investment Court [electronic resource]: Reforming Substantive and Procedural Law through an MIC, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Fach Gómez, Katia & Catharine Titi, eds. The award in international investment arbitration [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Konstantinidi, Marina-Elissavet. Closing the Gap: Enhancing the Implementation of Sustainable Development through International Investment Law [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Marteli Fais Feriato, Juliana. Legal, Political and Economic Strategies of Subsidies within the World Trade Organization [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Pauls, Sven Nikolai. EU Sustainable Finance and International Trade Law [electronic resource]: Legality and Propagation of EU Sustainable Finance Regulation under GATS and Free Trade Agreements, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Pipidi-Kalogirou, Kornilia. Regulatory Cooperation Chapters in the new Generation FTAS [electronic resource]: Legitimacy Requirements for their Manifestation and Interaction with the EU Legal Order, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Pohl, Jens Hillebrand, Thomas Papadopoulos & Janosch Wiesenthal, eds. National Security and Investment Controls [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Schneiderman, David. Constitutional review and international investment law [electronic resource]: deference or defiance? First edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
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Vidigal, Geraldo & Kathleen Claussen, eds. The sustainability revolution in international trade agreements [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Copeland, Damian. A Functional Approach to the Legal Review of Autonomous Weapon Systems [electronic resource] (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2025)
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Regan, Milton C. & Aurel Sari. Hybrid threats and grey zone conflict [electronic resource]: the challenge to liberal democracies (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Schmitt, Michael N.,...[et al.], eds. Making and shaping the law of armed conflict [electronic resource] (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Dagan, Ḥanokh & Avihay Dorfman. Relational justice: a theory of private law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
KG623 Dag 2024
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Rutherford, Helen, Birju Kotecha & Angela Macfarlane. English legal system, Sixth edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Chan, Cora. Deference in human rights adjudication (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
KA30 Cha 2024
Jahankhani, Hamid, Stefan Kendzierskyj, Sina Pournouri & Maria A Pozza, eds. Space Governance [electronic resource] Challenges, Threats and Countermeasures, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Jahankhani, Hamid, Stefan Kendzierskyj, Sina Pournouri & Maria A Pozza, eds. Space Law Principles and Sustainable Measures [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024.)
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KZD1145 Int 2014
Sipos, Attila. International Aviation Law [electronic resource]: Regulations in Three Dimensions, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2024.)
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KG4097 Mil 2023
Arnaldez, Jean-Jacques, Yves Derains & Dominique Hascher,. Collection of ICC arbitral awards 2012-2015 [electronic resource]. Volume VII = Receuil des sentences arbitrales de la CCI 2012-2015 (Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands : Kluwer Law International ; Paris : ICC Services - Publications, [2019])
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Lavranos, Nikos & Stefano Castagna, eds. International arbitration and EU Law [electronic resource], Second edition. (Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024)
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Lin, Yifei. International and Interregional Enforcement of Arbitral Awards [electronic resource]: Procedure and Practice in China, 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Balzano, John C. China Food and Drug Law [electronic resource]: Policy, Practice, and Future Directions, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Hooper, Michael. China Rule of Law and the West [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Huang, Huikang. China's Diplomacy and International Law [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Law, David S., Holning Lau & Alex Schwartz, eds. The Oxford handbook of constitutional law in Asia [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023-)
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Lin, Yifei. International and Interregional Enforcement of Arbitral Awards [electronic resource]: Procedure and Practice in China, 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Perera, Asanka. Dilemmas of Intellectual Property Discourse in Sri Lanka [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Qiao, Cong-rui. Chinese Rules and Procedures for Addressing Mass Actions [electronic resource]: A Juridification Account, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Lu, Lerong. Global fintech revolution: practice, policy, and regulation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Pinsler, Jeffrey. Evidence and the litigation process, Eighth edition. (Singapore: LexisNexis, 2024)
KE5192 Pin 2024
Sime, Stuart. A practical approach to civil procedure, Twenty-sixth edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
KB190 Sim 2024
Yong, Gao. Criminal Procedural Trial in China [electronic resource]: Procedure of Excluding Illegal Evidence as an Example, 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Esayas, Samson Y. Data privacy and competition law in the age of big data: unpacking the interface through complexity science (London: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Symeonides, Symeon & Wendy Collins Perdue. Conflict of laws: American, comparative, international: cases and materials, Fifth edition. (Eagan, MN: West Academic, [2024])
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Choudhry, Sujit, Michaela Hailbronner & Mattias Kumm, eds. Global canons in an age of contestation: debating foundational texts of constitutional democracy and human rights (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Law, David S., Holning Lau & Alex Schwartz, eds. The Oxford handbook of constitutional law in Asia [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023-)
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Beale, H. G. & Joseph Chitty, eds. Chitty on contracts [electronic resource], Thirty-fifth edition. (London: Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters, [2023])
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Allen, M. J. Ian Edwards. Criminal law, Seventeenth edition (Oxford Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Esayas, Samson Y. Data privacy and competition law in the age of big data: unpacking the interface through complexity science (London: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Egbunike-Umegbolu, Chinwe. Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Comparative Perspectives [electronic resource]: Nigeria, the UK, and the US, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Cullet, Philippe, Lovleen Bhullar & Sujith Koonan, eds. The Oxford handbook of environmental and natural resources law in India [electronic resource] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Morgera, Elisa. Fair and equitable benefit-sharing in international law [electronic resource]: advancing cooperation for the environment and human rights (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Lavranos, Nikos & Stefano Castagna, eds. International arbitration and EU Law [electronic resource], Second edition. (Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024)
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Anurag, Pinki Mathur & Santwana Dwivedy, eds. Violence in Intimate Spaces [electronic resource]: Law and Beyond, 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Bhuta, Nehal, ed. Human rights in transition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Jolly, Stellina, Nafees Ahmad & Matthew Scott, eds. Climate-Related Human Mobility in Asia and the Pacific [electronic resource]: Interdisciplinary Rights-Based Approaches, 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Oette, Lutz. The transformation of the prohibition of torture in international law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
KG5170 Oet 2024
Katsirea, Irini. Press freedom and regulation in a digital era: a comparative study (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
PN4735 Kat 2024
Afzal, Jamil. Implementation of Digital Law as a Legal Tool in the Current Digital Era [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Catanzariti, Mariavittoria. Disconnecting Sovereignty [electronic resource]: How Data Fragmentation Reshapes the Law, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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DiMatteo, Larry A. & Michel Cannarsa, eds. Research handbook of metaverse and law [electronic resource] (Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024)
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Perera, Asanka. Dilemmas of Intellectual Property Discourse in Sri Lanka [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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KZ7230 Ull 2024
Blackham, Alysia & Sean Cooney, eds. Research methods in labour law [electronic resource]: a handbook (Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024)
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Mulcahy, Linda & Anna Tsalapatanis. Digital Justice [electronic resource]: Engineering Disadvantage? 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024)
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Huang, Huikang. China's Diplomacy and International Law [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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KG605 Mcl 2024
Morgera, Elisa. Fair and equitable benefit-sharing in international law [electronic resource]: advancing cooperation for the environment and human rights (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Roscini, Marco. International law and the principle of non-intervention: history, theory, and interactions with other principles (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Simon, Hendrik. A century of anarchy? : war, normativity, and the birth of modern international order, First edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Siniver, Asaf. The international arbitration of territorial disputes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Wentker, Alexander. Party status to armed conflict in international law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Capper, David. Injunctions in private law [electronic resource] (Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024)
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KB215 Dam.Mc 2024
Pinsler, Jeffrey. Evidence and the litigation process, Eighth edition. (Singapore: LexisNexis, 2024)
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Haslehner, Werner, Georg Kofler, Aikaterini Pantazatou & Alexander Rust, eds. The 'Pillar Two' global minimum tax [electronic resource] (Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024)
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Low, Kee Yang. Tort law: a critical overview (Candid Creation Publishing)
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Eken, Can. Third-Party Funding in Investment Arbitration [electronic resource] A New Player in the System, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Nedumpara, James J, ed. India's Bilateral Investment Treaties 2.0 [electronic resource]: Perceptions, Emerging Trends, and Possible Architecture, 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Simon, Hendrik. A century of anarchy? : war, normativity, and the birth of modern international order, First edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
KZ6396 Sim 2024
Wentker, Alexander. Party status to armed conflict in international law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Moses, Margaret L. The principles and practice of international commercial arbitration, Fourth edition. (Cambridge ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2024)
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Hollander, Charles. Documentary evidence, Fifteenth edition. (London: Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters, 2024)
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Lim, Pin. Contract administration and procurement in the Singapore construction industry [electronic resource], Second edition. (Singapore: World Scientific, [2020])
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KE5109.2 Tji 2024
Lave, Rebecca & Martin Doyle. Streams of revenue: the restoration economy and the ecosystems it creates (Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England: The MIT Press, [2020])
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Vandenbergh, Michael P., Sarah E. Light & James Salzman. Private environmental governance (Eagan, MN: Foundation Press, [2024])
HD75.6 Van 2024
Stewart, James,...[et al.], eds. Family law: a global guide from practical law, Sixth edition. (London: Thomson Reuters, 2024)
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Bantekas, Ilias & Lutz Oette. International human rights law and practice, Fourth edition. (Cambridge; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2024)
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Bikundo, Edwin. The Faustian pact in international law: literature, jurisprudence, and Giorgio Agamben's critical theory (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, [2024])
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Bikundo, Edwin. The Faustian pact in international law: literature, jurisprudence, and Giorgio Agamben's critical theory (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, [2024])
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Stewart, James Gilchrist. The rise and fall of critical legal studies: law, politics, culture (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press [2024])
KA30 Ste 2024
Liew, Ying Khai & Anthony Gordon Guest. Guest & Liew on the law of assignment, Fifth edition. (London: Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters, 2024)
KB165 Gue 2024
Dinstein, Yoram. The conduct of hostilities under the law of international armed conflict, Fourth edition. (Cambridge; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2022)
KZ6385 Din 2022
Lim, Pin. Contract administration and procurement in the Singapore construction industry [electronic resource], Second edition. (Singapore: World Scientific, [2020])
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Tjio, Hans, Pearlie M. C. Koh & Pey Woan Lee. Corporate law, Second edition (Singapore: Academy Publishing, [2024])
KE5109.2 Tji 2024
Dinstein, Yoram. The conduct of hostilities under the law of international armed conflict, Fourth edition. (Cambridge; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2022)
KZ6385 Din 2022
New books have been added to the following ebook databases. Please click on the link below to access them.
Gomula, Joanna, Stephan Wittich & Markus Stemeseder, eds. Research handbook on international procedural law [electronic resource] (Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024)
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Beard, Jack, Stephens and Beard & David Koplow, eds. The woomera manual on the international law of military space activities and operations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
KZD5652 Woo 2024
Fuchs, Sandhya. Fragile hope [electronic resource]: seeking justice for hate crimes in India (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2024)
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Han, Ling. Child Trafficking in China [electronic resource]: A Human Rights-Based Perspective, 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Li, Enshen, Xiaoyu Yuan & Yan Zhang, eds. Criminal Case Dispositions through Pleas in Greater China [electronic resource]: Conception, Operation and Contradiction, 1st ed. 2024. (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024)
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Zhang, Huyue. High wire: how China regulates big tech and governs its economy (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Goldbarsht, Doron & Louis de Koker, eds. Financial Crime and the Law [electronic resource]: Identifying and Mitigating Risks, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Bachmaier Winter, Lorena & Farsam Salimi, eds. Admissibility of evidence in EU cross-border criminal proceedings [electronic resource]: electronic evidence, efficiency and fair trial rights (London: Hart Publishing, 2024)
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Kow, Keng Siong. Sentencing frameworks in Singapore: quick reference guide and roadmap (Singapore: Academy Publishing, Singapore Academy of Law, 2022)
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Beheshti, Reza, Robert Bradgate, Séverine Saintier & Sean Thomas. Bradgate's commercial law, Fourth edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
KB115 Bra 2024
Leong, Jeremy. Commercial agreements [electronic resource]: principles and practice (Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, [2024])
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Husa, Jaakko. Introduction to comparative law, Second edition. (Oxford, UK; New York, NY: Hart Publishing, 2023)
KG559 Hus 2023
Ezrachi, Ariel. EU competition law: an analytical guide to the leading cases, Eighth edition. (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2024)
KD42.1 Ezr 2024
Gomula, Joanna, Stephan Wittich & Markus Stemeseder, eds. Research handbook on international procedural law [electronic resource] (Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024)
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Cartwright, John. Formation and variation of contracts, Fourth edition. (London: Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters, 2024)
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Ismayilzada, Turkhan. A Framework for AI-Made Mistakes in German and English Contract Law [electronic resource]: A Legal, Psychological and Technical Inquiry, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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McKendrick, Ewan. Contract law: text, cases and materials, Eleventh edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
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Hill, Claire A., Brian Jose Miguel Quinn & Steven Davidoff Solomon. Mergers and acquisitions: law, theory, and practice, Third edition. (St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing, [2023])
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Herring, Jonathan. Criminal law: text, cases, and materials, Eleventh edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
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Matsumi, Hideyuki,...[et al.], eds. Data protection and privacy: ideas that drive our digital world (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2024)
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Solove, Daniel J. & Paul M. Schwartz. Information privacy law, Eighth edition. (Burlington: Aspen Publishing, 2024)
KB182 Pri.So 2024
Yakovleva, Svetlana. Governing cross-border data flows: reconciling EU data protection and international trade law, First edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
KD54 Com.Ya 2024
Mooij, Hans, ed. International tax disputes [electronic resource]: arbitration, mediation, and dispute management (Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024)
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Salem, Peter & Kelly Browe Olson, eds. Family dispute resolution: process and practice (New York: Oxford University Press, [2024])
HQ519 Fam 2024
Veshi, Denard. Refugees and the Law in Challenging Times - A Law and Economics Approach [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Hunter, David, James Salzman & Durwood Zaelke. International environmental law and policy, Sixth edition. (St. Paul, MN: Foundation Press, [2022])
KG3585 Hun 2022
Lin, Jolene & Jacqueline Peel. Litigating climate change in the global South (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2024])
KG3593 Lin 2024
Sindico, Francesco, Kate McKenzie, Gastón Médici Colombo & Lennart Wegener, eds. Research handbook on climate change litigation [electronic resource] (Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024)
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Bachmaier Winter, Lorena & Farsam Salimi, eds. Admissibility of evidence in EU cross-border criminal proceedings [electronic resource]: electronic evidence, efficiency and fair trial rights (London: Hart Publishing, 2024)
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Ezrachi, Ariel. EU competition law: an analytical guide to the leading cases, Eighth edition. (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2024)
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Graef, Inge & Bart van der Sloot, eds. The legal consistency of technology regulation in Europe (London: London: Hart Publishing, Bloomsbury Publishing (UK), 2024. 2024)
KD32 Leg 2024
Marques, Filipe & Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque, eds. Rule of Law in Europe [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024)
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Wilhelmsson, Thomas. Free movement of legal ideas [electronic resource]: towards a dynamic Europeanisation of private law (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2024)
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Yakovleva, Svetlana. Governing cross-border data flows: reconciling EU data protection and international trade law, First edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
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Carruthers, Janeen M. & Bobby W. M. Lindsay, eds. Research handbook on international family law [electronic resource] (Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024)
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Salem, Peter & Kelly Browe Olson, eds. Family dispute resolution: process and practice (New York: Oxford University Press, [2024])
HQ519 Fam 2024
Aka, Philip C. Human Rights in Nigeria's External Relations in the Age of General Muhammadu Buhari and His Successors [electronic resource]: Loving the Foreigner as Yourself, 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024)
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KG3240.5 Bur 2024
Cardona Vallès, Mariona. Mineral Exploitation, Violence and International Law [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2024. (Cham: Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024)
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