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Law: Databases


The more commonly used law databases are highlighted on this page.

For a full listing of law databases, see: Guide to Electronic Resources Collection.


Full text databases containing both primary and secondary sources of law:

LawNet (access: NUS Law staff & studentsOther NUS staff & students)
The main local legal database containing Singapore legislation, cases, journal articles and selected books published by the Singapore Academy of Law.

Lawinfochina (English version of pkulaw)
Contains all laws adopted by the National People's Congress (NPC) and the NPC Standing Committee from 1949 as well as English translations of judicial decisions approved and published by the Supreme People's Court or the Supreme People's Procuratorate. Legal news on legislative developments and a law journals index are also available in this database.

Lexis Advance Singapore
Legal research platform which contains Halsbury's Laws of Singapore and various books relating to court procedure in Singapore. It also provides access to foreign legislation, law reports and law journals.

Contains the Indian Central Bare Acts with all amendments incorporated as well as decisions of the Supreme Court of India and High Courts of the various Indian states.

Nexis Uni 
Although mainly a non-legal database, this contains a selection of foreign legislation, case law and legal journals.

Popular legal database containing an extensive range of legislation, law reports and law journals from various jurisdictions.
Registration guide for 1st-time users:

For listings of open access databases, click HERE.

For full listing of law databases, see: Guide to Electronic Resources Collection.

Selection of the more commonly used databases for case law:


  • Lexis Advance Singapore
    Contains various Australian law reports, Australian Current Law and Casebase.
  • WestLaw
    Contains the Commonwealth Law Reports, Federal Court Reports, Federal Law Reports, South Australian State Reports and Australian unreported judgments.
  • CCH iKnowConnect
    Database containing Australian Tax Office Rulings.


  • *China Judgements Online
    Database supported by the Supreme People's Court. Contains the largest collection of judgments and decisions from Chinese courts.
  • CNKI Legal Knowledge Integrated Database
    CNKI is a key national research and information publishing institution in China, led by Tsinghua University. The legal section of the database provides access to court judgments.
  • Lawinfochina (English version of
    Contains English translations of judicial decisions approved and published by the Supreme People's Court or the Supreme People's Procuratorate. Subject areas include administrative law, civil law, criminal law, economic law, intellectual property law, and maritime law..


  • vlexJustis
    Contains the European Court Reports and Official Journal of the European Communities.

  • WestLaw
    Coverage includes decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of First Instance of the European Communities (General Court), the Civil Service Tribunal and the EFTA Court.



  • CCH iKnowConnect
    Database containing Malaysian tax cases.
  • CLJ Law
    Contains the Current Law Journal (CLJ), Supplement series (CLJSupp/MTC/BLJ), Industrial Law Reports (ILR) and Laporan Syariah/Syariah Reports (CLJ(Sya)/SHR).
  • Lexis Advance Singapore
    The Malayan Law Journal contains reports of cases from the Federal Court, Court of Appeal and High Courts (in all states) from 1932.


Sri Lanka

  • Law Lanka
    Contains Sri Lankan reported judgments from the New Law Reports and Sri Lanka Law Reports.




  • *CML CMI Database
    Database of judicial decisions on international maritime conventions. Contains case summaries, with links to full texts where available. Project undertaken and hosted by the Centre for Maritime Law, National University of Singapore in collaboration with the Comité Maritime International.
  • ICC Dispute Resolution Library
    Extracts from ICC arbitral awards published in the ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin from 1990 to date.
  • Investor-State Law Guide
    Contains publicly available ICSID, NAFTA and ad hoc tribunal decisions, and relevant materials pertaining thereto.
  • Jus Mundi
    Search engine for international law and arbitration. Contains decisions from national courts and awards from arbitral tribunals.
  • KluwerArbitration
    Major database containing the full text and associated data of both commercial and investment awards.
  • Lexis Advance Singapore
    Coverage of cases in the following jurisdictions - Australia, Canada, European Union, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States of America.
  • Oxford Reports on International Law
    Contains arbitral awards, arbitral decisions, OPIC decisions, international court decisions and national court decisions.
  • WestLaw
    Law reports from Australia, Canada, European Union, Hong Kong, Korea, United Kingdom and United States.
    Full-text search engine for GATT/WTO decisions.

* indicates open access database

For listings of open access databases, click HERE.

For full listing of law databases, see: Guide to Electronic Resources Collection.

Selection of databases frequently used to access legislation and parliamentary materials:


  • Lexis Advance Singapore
  • WestLaw
    Both databases contain legislation from various foreign jurisdictions, including Canada, Hong Kong, UK, US and the European Union.


  • CNKI Legal Knowledge Integrated Database
    CNKI is a key national research and information publishing institution in China, led by Tsinghua University. The legal section of the database provides access to Chinese legislation and treaties.
  • LawInfoChina
    Chinese laws, regulations and tax treaties (Chinese and English versions).


  • Manupatra
    Coverage includes the Indian Central Bare Acts with all amendments incorporated.


  • CLJ Law
    Contains Federal Acts, subsidiary legislation, state legislation, bills and treaties.
  • LawNet (Malaysia)
    Access to Malaysian Acts, bills, legislative supplements, and government gazettes. Registration for ID and password required.

Click HERE for full listing.


Click HERE for full listing.

EU and UK

  • UK Parliamentary Papers
    Includes 18th and 19th century House of Commons parliamentary papers and 19th century House of Lords parliamentary papers.
  • vlexJustis (formerly JustisOne)
    Contains the full text of every UK Act of Parliament passed and given royal assent, including repealed legislation, back to 1235. Also provides access to EU parliamentary questions and legislation.
  • WestLaw
    Access to UK and EU legislation.

For a more extensive listing of open access databases, see International and Comparative Law: Treaties & International Conventions.

*CIL Document Database
Database administered by the Centre for International Law (National University of Singapore) containing over 1400 ASEAN and international law and policy documents in areas relevant to CIL’s research.

*International Humanitarian Law Databases
Access to treaties relating to international humanitarian law. Managed by the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Contains treaties and conventions relating to commercial arbitration.

*Language of Peace Database
Tool to search provisions of Peace Agreements. 

*United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law: Historic Archives
Access to the procedural history and related documents (including travaux préparatoires), as well as the text and status of selected legal instruments.

*United Nations Treaty Collection
Free access to the United Nations Treaty Series and Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General.

vlexJustis (formerly JustisOne)
Contains various EU treaties and international agreements.

* indicates open access database

Corpus Juris Secundum (US)
Cited and quoted as authority in courtrooms across the United States, this national legal encyclopaedia covers US state and federal legal topics from A to Z.

Encyclopedia of Law and Religion
Brill database covering issues of freedom of religion or belief and state-religion relations.

Halsbury's Laws of Australia
Explore this Australian legal encyclopaedia by topic or search by keyword.

Halsbury's Laws of England
Authoritative encyclopaedia of the law in England and Wales. Browse by topic or search by keyword.

Halsbury's Laws of Singapore
Provides an updated, narrative statement of the law of Singapore.

Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law
Contains the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law and the Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law.

Selection of the more commonly used databases:

A. Law Databases

Arbitration Law
Access to leading arbitration journals published by JURIS.

Full text access in PDF format to an extensive range of Anglo-American and international law journals, reviews and yearbooks.
Access to Informa publications including Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly and International Construction Law Review. 
Registration link for new users:

Journals in this database include Asian Dispute Review, Asian International Arbitration Journal, Journal of International Arbitration and Revue de l'Arbitrage.

LawNet (access: NUS Law staff and studentsother NUS staff & students)
Mostly all Singapore law journals and law reviews are available in this database. 

Lexis Advance Singapore
Contains a wide range of law journals from various jurisdictions.

Major legal database containing a wide range of law journals and reviews. 
Registration guide for 1st-time users:

B. Non-Law Databases

IBFD Tax Research Platform
Access to tax law journals. Click Search > Journal Articles & Opinion Pieces.

Full text database containing back issues of major scholarly journals in all subject areas, including law.

Nexis Uni 
Although mainly a non-law database, this database has a good selection of legal journals.

Although this database contains mainly scientific documents, many law-related articles and books can be found here, including materials on cyber law, environmental law, medical law and space law.

Newspapers contain legal commentaries and are also useful for obtaining information on the latest cases before the courts:

Access to major local and international newspapers.

Nexis Uni 
Contains more than 15,000 news, legal and business sources.

Digital archive of Singapore and Malaya newspapers published from 1831 to 2017.

Times Digital Archive
Digital online edition of The Times London (1785 - 2014).

* indicates open access database

*Official Document System of the United Nations
The ODS is an online database of UN documents that has full-text, born-digital UN documents published from 1993 onwards, including documents of the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and their subsidiaries, as well as administrative issuances and other documents. It also includes scanned documents published between 1946 and 1993, including all resolutions of the principal organs, all documents of the Security Council and the General Assembly Official Records.

* indicates open access database


Indexes are not full text databases but are useful as they provide citations to articles from a wide range of publications:

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals, 1985 -
Covers all forms of non-Anglo American law, including comparative law and legal systems. The database encompasses a variety of document types, including articles from journals, congresses, reports, essay collections and yearbooks.

Index to Legal Periodicals and Books, 1980 -
Index of over 1,100 legal journals, law reviews, yearbooks, institutes, statutes, bar association publications and university publications. Coverage includes periodicals from the US, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.

LegalTrac, 1980 -
Coverage of British Commonwealth, European Union, and international law. Provides indexing for more than 1,200 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, Bar Association journals, and international legal journals. Provides access to full text articles in databases subscribed by NUS Libraries.

Oxford Bibliographies. International Law
Access to library catalogues, bibliographic indexes, records of court decisions, and other lists containing authoritative international law resources.

Guides on how to access and use NUS Libraries electronic resources: