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Law in Singapore: Web Resources (by subject)

Sources by Subject


This subject index of Singapore legal resources on the Web was originally set up in 1994 to complement the C J Koh Law Library's print collection.

On this page:



ASEAN Judiciaries Portal: Singapore
Information about the judiciary and legal system provided by the Council of ASEAN Chief Justices.

Law of Singapore
Information on Wikipedia providing a summary of the history of Singapore law. Original author unknown.

Newspapers are a good source of legal information. This database, maintained by the National Library Board, contains historical Singapore and Malaya newspapers from as early as 1831.

Our Legal System
Overview of the Singapore legal system by the Ministry of Law.

SG Press Centre
Latest government press statements and releases.

Singapore Law Watch
Singapore's foremost daily legal news syndication site.



Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution (Law Society of Singapore)
Information on the various dispute resolution schemes administered by the Law Society of Singapore, including the Arbitration, Mediation, Neutral Evaluation and Neutral Determination Schemes.

Alternatives to Trial
This section of the Singapore Courts website covers alternative dispute resolution for cases in the State Courts or Supreme Court, including mediation, conciliation, neutral evaluation, arbitration or expert determination. For ADR in the Family Justice Courts, refer to: Mediation and Counselling in the Family Justice Courts.

CASE: Mediation
Information on mediation procedure for consumers and businesses by the Consumers Association of Singapore.

Community Mediation Centre
Informal dispute resolution service catering to community disputes as opposed to commercial ones.

Cost Dispute Resolve (Law Society of Singapore)
Scheme by the Law Society of Singapore to assist lawyers, their clients and third parties to resolve disputes on legal costs amicably and economically.

Industrial Arbitration Court
Information on functions of the Court, including certification of collective agreements, and resolution of industrial disputes.

Maxwell Chambers
Venue for international dispute resolution housing top international ADR institutions under one roof, and providing one-stop facilities and services for the conduct of ADR activities in Singapore.

Office of the Commissioner for the Maintenance of Parents
The Commissioner helps parents who are unable to support themselves secure monetary contribution from their children through conciliation.

Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration
Information provided includes the SCMA Rules and Model Clauses as well as the panel of arbitrators.

Singapore Construction Mediation Centre
Subsidiary of the Singapore Contractors Association Limited to encourage mediation as the preferred dispute resolution process in the settlement of construction disputes.

Singapore Domain Name Dispute Resolution Service
The SDRP provides a framework for resolving ‘.sg’ domain name disputes. Managed by the Singapore Mediation Centre.

Singapore Institute of Arbitrators
SIArb is independent professional body whose mission includes the education of arbitration practitioners, promotion of arbitration and development of the profession of arbitrator. Information on the website includes the Rules of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators and model clauses.

Singapore International Arbitration Centre
Resources include SIAC Rules, practice notes for cases, guides and model clauses relating to international arbitration.

Singapore International Mediation Centre
SIMC is an independent, not-for-profit institution that provides mediation services and products to parties in cross-border commercial disputes, particularly those doing business in Asia.

Singapore International Mediation Institute
SIMI is an independent professional standards body for mediation in Singapore and the region. Useful information in the website includes lists of SIMI accredited mediators, forms and guidelines

Singapore Mediation Centre
Information on mediation procedure provided by the Centre in relation to a wide range of areas including contracts, defamation, shipping, probate, intellectual property and matrimonial matters.

Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices
TAFEP provides advisory services to help organisations implement fair employment practices. Those who have encountered workplace discrimination may also contact TAFEP for advice and assistance or to provide their feedback.

Articles in Singapore Law Watch:


Artificial Intelligence in Law

AI Singapore: Governance
AI Singapore is a national programme supported by the National Research Foundation and hosted by NUS. This webpage on governance provides information for the IHL/Researcher, Student, Professional and Startup/Enterprise/Govt.

AI Verify Foundation
This not-for-profit foundation, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Infocommunications Media Development Authority of Singapore, promotes best practices and standards for AI. Developed AI Verify which is an AI governance testing framework and software toolkit that validates the performance of AI systems against a set of internationally recognised principles.

Centre for Technology, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & the Law
TRAIL was established in NUS Law to explore the relationship between technology and the various areas of legal research. Information on the centre's publications, including links to full texts of its working papers and reports, are available on this website.  Bits & Bytes, the monthly bulletin by TRAIL and its partners, showcases thought leadership in law and technology. 

Report Series: The Impact of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence on the Law
The Singapore Academy of Law’s Law Reform Committee has established a Subcommittee on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence to consider and make recommendations on the application of the law to robotic and AI systems. The LRC has published reports which look at different legal areas impacted by the widespread deployment of robotics and other AI-powered technologies across society.

Singapore’s Approach to AI Governance
Information published by the Personal Data Protection Commission, including the full text of the Model Artificial Intelligence Governance Framework (2nd ed)

Selection of articles on the use of AI in law:


Building and Construction Law

Building and Construction Authority
Publications of the Authority including:

Singapore Construction Mediation Centre
Subsidiary of the Singapore Contractors Association Limited to encourage mediation as the preferred dispute resolution process in the settlement of construction disputes.

Society of Construction Law (Singapore)
Information about the Society. Resources include the Singapore Construction Law Newsletter (2005 - ).

Article in Singapore Law Watch:



Charities Accounting Standard
The Accounting Standards Council prescribes accounting standards for use by charities.

Charity Portal
Portal maintained by the Charities Unit. Provides information on the regulation of charities including legislation governing charities and IPCs.


Commercial and Trade Law

Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore
ASAS is an advisory council to the Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) set up to promote ethical advertising in Singapore and is the self-regulatory body of the advertising industry.

Centre for Banking and Finance Law, NUS Law
Events and publications of the Centre, including CBFL Working Papers and Reports.

Competition & Consumer Commission Singapore
Competition legislation as well as guidelines on the application and enforcement of the major provisions of the Competition Act. Also contains CCCS publications.

Consumers Association of Singapore
CASE handles consumer-to-business disputes. Includes information on the Lemon Law.

EW Barker Centre for Law & Business, NUS Law
Information on events, projects and publications (including EWBCLB Working Papers and Reports) of the Centre.

Ministry of Trade and Industry
Trade-related documents between Singapore and other countries as well as brief summaries of some of the legislation administered by the MTI.

Singapore International Commercial Court
Model Clauses, judgments and procedural rules relating to the SICC.

Small Claims
The Small Claims Tribunals hear claims up to $30,000. Common disputes involve goods, services and tenancy agreements (residential) not exceeding 2 years.

Articles in Singapore Law Watch:

  • Commercial Law - Articles on commercial law in Singapore. Links to specific subject areas in the left column of the webpage, including chapters on The Law of Contract, Domestic Sale of Goods, International Sale of Goods and The Law of Agency.
  • Free Trade Agreements: Singapore Legal Developments by Prof Locknie Hsu (2018)


Company Law

Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority
The authority provides a regulatory environment for companies, businesses and public accountants.

Accounting Standards Council
The ASC prescribes accounting standards for use by companies, charities, co-operative societies and societies.

Corporate Governance
Information on corporate governance, including guidelines, published the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

Corporate Insolvency
Information on liquidation processes and procedures provided by the Insolvency Office.

Ministry of Finance Completes Review of the Companies Act
Full text of the Report of the Steering Committee for Review of the Companies Act and the Ministry of Finance's response thereto (2012)

Public Consultation on the Insolvency Law Review Committee's Report
Reports relating to the review of Singapore's existing bankruptcy and corporate insolvency regime (2013)

Singapore Exchange (SGX)
Includes information on listed companies and shareholder information.

Singapore Institute of Directors
Useful resources range from guides encouraging good corporate governance to publications providing valuable insights by industry leaders.

Articles in Singapore Law Watch:


Constitutional Law

Attorney-General's Chambers
Information on the work of the AGC, its services and publications (e.g. law reform reports from 2001 to 2010)

The Cabinet
Information on the executive organ of State. Information published by the Prime Minister's Office Singapore.

Constitution of the Republic of Singapore Tribunal
Ad hoc tribunal established in 1994 pursuant to Article 100 of the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore.  Information on Wikipedia.
Online portal of the Singapore government.

Our Legal System
Overview of the Singapore legal system provided by the Ministry of Law.

Parliament of Singapore
Information on the role, organisation and structure of the Singapore Legislature.

President of the Republic of Singapore
Information on Singapore's Head of State. The Parliament of the Republic of Singapore and the President jointly make up the legislature of Singapore.

Singapore Courts
Information relating to the Supreme Court, State Courts and Family Justice Courts.



Criminal Justice

Legal Representation (Criminal Legal Aid Scheme)
Information about CLAS which is administered by Pro Bono SG.

Seek Help for a Criminal Case
An accused has the right to engage a lawyer or represent himself/herself in court for a criminal case. Information on who one can contact for help and the schemes to apply for. Published on SG Courts.

Sentencing in Singapore
Overview of the criminal justice system and information about the sentencing framework for sexual and hurt offences. Published by the Ministry of Home affairs. See also: AGC website.


Development of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
History of criminal law and justice in Singapore. This is an article in Legal Heritage, maintained by the Singapore Academy of Law.


Criminal Law and Procedure

Central Narcotics Bureau
Primary drug enforcement agency for Singapore. Includes Drug Situation Reports since 2002 as well as a list of drugs and inhalants controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act and Intoxicating Substances Act.

Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau
Contains news articles relating to corruption as well as case studies relating to the public and private sectors.

Criminal (SG Courts)
Information on criminal procedure in the Singapore Courts, including bail and charges for offences.

Criminal Law of Singapore
Overview of Singapore criminal law on Wikipedia.

Ministerial Statement on Findings of Committee of Inquiry (COI) on Little India Riot
The COI established the factors and circumstances that led to the riot in Little India, and made recommendations for areas of improvement.

Pro Bono: Criminal Law
Guide published by the C J Koh Law Library.

Scam Alert
Alerts to the latest scams in Singapore. Information provided by the National Crime Prevention Council.

Seek Help for a Criminal Case
An accused has the right to engage a lawyer or represent himself/herself in court for a criminal case. Information on who one can contact for help and the schemes to apply for. Published on SG Courts.

Sentencing in Singapore
Overview of the criminal justice system and guide to sentencing. Published by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Singapore: Courts & Crime
Straits Times news articles on the latest criminal cases before the Singapore courts.

Singapore Police Force
Contains advisories on the various crimes committed in Singapore (including commercial crimes) 


Development of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
History of criminal law and justice in Singapore. This is an article in Legal Heritage, maintained by the Singapore Academy of Law.

On this page:


Employment Law

Employment Claims
The Employment Claims Tribunal (ECT) provides employees and employers with a speedy and low-cost forum to resolve salary-related and wrongful dismissal disputes. More information on claims procedures is available on the Ministry of Manpower website.

Industrial Arbitration Court
Resources include court awards made in recent years and sample collective agreements.

Ministry of Manpower
Useful Guide on Employment Laws (updated Jan 2023). Information on the MOM website includes

Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices
TAFEP works in partnership with employer organisations, unions and the government to create awareness and facilitate the adoption of fair, responsible and progressive employment practices.

Article in Practical Law:

Employment and Employee Benefits in Singapore: Overview (2022)
Q&A guide to employment and employee benefits law in Singapore by Kelvin Wong and Yeo Boon Kiat (Allen & Gledhill LLP)


Environmental Law

Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law
Publications on environmental law in Singapore published by the Centre, including the APCEL Guide to Singapore and ASEAN Environmental Law (2019)

Legislation on Environmental Sustainability for Buildings
Information on environmental sustainability for buildings provided by the Building and Construction Authority.

Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment
Environmental policies as well as various resource guides relating to Singapore.

National Environment Agency
Leading public organisation responsible for ensuring a clean and green environment, and the sustainable development of Singapore. Environmental legislation, practices and guidelines are published here.

National Implementation of Agenda 21: Singapore
Information provided by the Government of Singapore to the United Nations Commission on its sustainable development programmes since UNCED 1992 (1997)

Article in Practical Law:

Environmental Law and Practice in Singapore: Overview (2021)
Q&A guide by Joseph Chun (Shook Lin & Bok LLP)


Equity and Trusts

Other Taxes: Trusts
Guides on taxes relating to trusts.

Public Trustee
Information on services provided by the Public Trustee which include the administration of deceased CPF/estate monies and compensation in motor accidents.

Report on the Enactment on Non-Charitable Purpose Trusts
Law reform report by the Singapore Academy of Law Reform Committee (2021)

Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)
Information about STEP Singapore, a global organisation that provides support to the fiduciary services businesses, associated with trusts and estates.

Articles in Singapore Law Watch:


Family Law

Family (SG Courts)
The Family Justice Courts hear the full suite of family-related cases including all divorce and related matters, family violence cases, adoption and guardianship cases, Youth Court cases, applications for deputyship under the Mental Capacity Act, and probate and succession matters.

Maintenance of Parents
Contains stories of how conciliation at the Commissioner's Office has helped resolve maintenance disputes between parents and their children as well as information relating to applications for maintenance orders at the Tribunal. Published by the Ministry of Social and Family Development.

Muslim Family Law Procedure
Slides prepared by the LAB Syariah Court Practice Group (2020)

Office of the Public Guardian
The OPG carries out various functions towards enabling and protecting persons who lack mental capacity which include setting up and maintaining a register for the Lasting Power of Attorney ("LPA").

Syariah Court Singapore
Islamic court instituted for settling disputes between divorcing parties. Information on divorce matters, inheritance and court processes. See also: Syariah Court Orders.

Article in Practical Law:

Family Law in Singapore: Overview (2020)
Q&A guide which gives an overview of key issues relating to Singapore family law including competing jurisdiction disputes and conflicts of law. By Randolph Khoo and Hoon Shu Mei (Drew & Napier LLC)


Finance Law

Centre for Banking & Finance law, NUS Law
Includes the working papers and reports published by the Centre.

Guide to Doing Business in Singapore
Published by Rajah & Tann on Lex Mundi (2019)

Ministry of Finance
Economic and finance policies of Singapore.

Monetary Authority of Singapore
MAS is Singapore’s central bank and integrated financial regulator. Publications include information papers, consultation papers and reports.

Registry of Moneylenders
Information for borrowers and moneylenders. Published by the Ministry of Law.

Registry of Pawnbrokers
Information for both pawnbrokers and pawners. Published by the Ministry of Law.

Singapore Exchange (SGX)
Information on the securities and derivatives markets in Singapore.

Articles in Singapore Law Watch and Practical Law:


Foreign Relations

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Information on Singapore's foreign policy, including information on Singapore's relations with other countries as well as regional and international organisations.


Infocomms Law

Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)
Website contains codes of practice, guidelines, standards and licences which regulate the infocomm and media sectors. There is also a section on Content Regulation.

Digital For Life: Resources
Resources on this website include articles, guides and videos on online safety and wellness.

Singapore Domain Name Dispute Resolution Services
SDRP policy, rules, supplemental rules and proceedings. Published by the Singapore Mediation Centre.

Article in Singapore Law Watch:


Insurance Law

Insurance Act 1966
Information on the Act and related documents published by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

Report on Reforming Insurance Law in Singapore
Report by the Singapore Academy of Law Law Reform Committee (2020)

Articles in Singapore Law Watch and Practical Law:

Intellectual Property

Copyright Resources
Useful guides (infopacks and factsheets) on Singapore copyright law published by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore.

The Development of Singapore's Intellectual Property Rights Regime
One of the publications in the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy's Microsoft Case Studies Series on Information Technology, Public Policy and Society (May 2014). Authors: Alisha Gill, Zsuzsanna Vári-Kovács and Ashish Lall.

Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
IPOS is the national authority that registers and is responsible for the administration of IP rights in Singapore. Website includes nformation on copyright, patents, trade marks and registered designs. Access to legislation updates and legal decisions. See also: IPOS International and IPOS Digital Hub

Public Consultation on the Proposed Copyright Bill
Contains previous consultation papers as well as the 2019 Singapore Copyright Review Report and the 2020 Public Consultation on Proposed Licence Conditions and Code of Conduct for CMOs. The Copyright Act 2021 was passed by Parliament on 13 Sep 2021.

Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks
Full text of the treaty made available by WIPO. Includes regulations made under the treaty and resolution by the Diplomatic Conference.

Articles in Singapore Law Watch and Practical Law:


International & Comparative Law

Centre for International Law
CIL's mission is to enable Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region to play a more significant role in the promotion and development of international law. The Centre maintains a Document Database of over 1400 ASEAN and international law documents, many of which relate to Singapore.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Click on Foreign Policy for statements on Singapore's stand on various international issues including disarmament and counter terrorism as well as on key issues like Pedra Branca and the Water Agreements.

Articles in Singapore Law Watch:


Islamic Law

Administration of Muslim Law Act 1966
AMLA has provided for a centralised system of administration covering all aspects of Muslim life in Singapore. Info published by Singapore Infopedia (National Library Board).

Islamic Law LibGuide
Libguide on Singapore Islamic law resources by the C J Koh Law Library.

Majlis Ugama Islam Singapore: Office of the Mufti
The Office of the Mufti acts as the Secretariat of the Fatwa Committee and is responsible for handling the operational duties related to the issuance of fatwa. Other publications include Faraidh - The Islamic Law of Inheritance, and Organ Transplant in Islam.

Muslim Family Law Procedure
Slides prepared by the LAB Syariah Court Practice Group (2020)

Syariah Court Singapore
The Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine disputes pertaining to Muslim marriages, divorce and inheritance.


On this page:


Law Reform

Attorney-General's Chambers: Law Reform Reports
Reports from 2001 to 2010 published by the then Law Reform and Revision Division, AGC.

Law Reform (Green Papers, White Papers, etc)
Listing of consultation papers, white papers and law reform reports published by the C J Koh Law Library.

Ministry of Law: Public Consultations
Public consultation papers published by the Ministry of Law (2008 - )

Papers Presented to Parliament
6 categories of papers uploaded on the Government Records Database as and when the National Archives receives them from Parliament - Command Paper, Parliamentary Paper, Statutory Paper, Subsidiary Legislation Paper, Presidential Council Paper and Miscellaneous Paper (2011 - ) 

REACH: Public Consultations
REACH posts public consultations by the various Ministries and government agencies seeking feedback on proposed changes to the law.

Singapore Academy of Law: Law Reform
Reports of the Singapore Academy of Law Reform Committee (1991 - ) 


Legal Aid/Pro Bono

Legal Aid Bureau
Information on the legal aid scheme administered by this Ministry of Law department.

Legal Assistance Scheme for Capital Offences
This Scheme offers free legal counsel for those who are charged with capital offences (death penalty offences), regardless of nationality.

Pro Bono LibGuide
LibGuide published by the C J Koh Law Library to assist law students engaged in pro bono work. Includes a directory of agencies involved in pro bono  work.

Pro Bono SG
Pro Bono SG (previously Law Society Pro Bono Services) is a registered charity. It aims to facilitate access to justice for the needy and vulnerable by providing legal awareness, guidance, and representation (criminal and family matters)

Singapore Free Legal Clinics
Listing of pro bo clinics in Singapore.


Legal History

History of the Courts
Information about the history of Singapore's courts since the founding of Singapore in 1819.

Historical Sources of Singapore Law
LibGuide published by the C J Koh Law Library.

Legal Heritage: Bringing Our Past into the Present
Website set up by the Singapore Academy of Law documenting the legal history of Singapore. See also: Legal heritage.


Legal Profession

Admission to the Singapore Bar
Requirements for admission published by the Singapore Institute of Legal Education. Similar information is provided by the Ministry of Law and Law Society of Singapore.

Law Society of Singapore
The Society carries out various statutory functions including representing, protecting and assisting members of the legal profession in Singapore as well as maintaining and improving the standards of conduct and learning of the legal profession in Singapore.  Website contains Practice Directions and Guidance Notes relating to the ethics and professional responsibility of lawyers.

Recommendations to Legal Education and Training in Singapore to Keep Pace with Evolving Industry Needs (2024)
Ministry of Law press release on 8 January 2024. Report by the Working Group for the Reform of Legal Education (“the Working Group”) put forth recommendations following a review of legal education and the training regime for lawyers in Singapore.

Report of the 4th Committee on the Supply of Lawyers (2013)
Review of the supply of Singapore legal professionals to meet the legal and business needs of Singapore. Report published in May 2013.

Report of the Committee to Develop the Singapore Legal Sector : Final Report (2007)
Report published by the Ministry of Law in 2007.

Report of the Committee for the Professional Training of Lawyers (2018)
Published on the Singapore Courts website. See also Public Consultation on Proposals to Implement the Recommendations of the Committee for the Professional Training of Lawyers published by the Ministry of Law.

Report of the Working Group on Legal & Accounting Services (2017)
Published in April 2017 and made available by the Ministry of Law.

Singapore Academy of Law (SAL)
Professional association for legal practitioners. Access to information on SAL services and publications.


The Legal Profession and Its Circle of Life
Article by Adrian Tan in the Law Gazette (2022)

Legal Profession in Singapore
Article by the Singapore Academy of Law on the history of the legal profession from the time when Singapore was an outpost of the East India Company.

Regulation of the Legal Profession in Singapore: Overview
by Sarjit Singh Gill, Shirin Swah, and Sarah Chew (Shook Lin & Bok LLP). Published on Practical Law (2022)



Access to the Bills supplement, Acts Supplement and Subsidiary Legislation Supplement from 1998.

How Are Laws Made?
Information on the legislative process published by the Singapore Parliament.

Legislative Process
Information on how a bill becomes law. Published by the Attorney-General's Chambers.

Parliament of Singapore
Parliamentary publications include bills, parliamentary debates (official reports) and select committee reports.

Singapore Statutes Online
Free access to Singapore legislation provided by the Attorney General's Chambers.


Maritime, Admiralty and Shipping Law

Centre for Maritime Law, NUS Law
Useful information includes:

Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)
A listing of maritime legislation as well as MPA circulars, notices, guidelines and other publications.

Ministry of Transport: Maritime
Policies relating to Singapore's development into an international maritime centre. Published by the Ministry of Transport.

Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration (SCMA)
Specialist arbitration institution which provides a neutral, cost-effective and flexible framework for maritime and international trade arbitration. Website contains arbitration rules and model clauses pertaining to the SCMA.

Articles in Singapore Law Watch:



Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)
Website contains codes of practice, guidelines, standards and licences which regulate the infocomm and media sectors. There is also a section on Content Regulation.

Digital For Life: Resources
Resources on this website include articles, guides and videos on online safety and wellness.

Article in Singapore Law Watch:


Medical Law and Ethics

Bioethics Advisory Committee
Reports, consultation papers and various other publications by the Committee.

Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
Contains information on research and publications by the centre.
See also: the Bioethics Casebook which contains this article "An overview of key aspects of Singapore medical law".

Ministry of Health
Links to regulatory documents, policies and guidelines.

Singapore Medical Council
Contains medical guidelines including the SMC Ethical Code and Ethical Guidelines as well as published grounds of decisions of the Council.

SMA Centre for Medical Ethics and Professionalism
Provides doctors with a platform for life-long learning in the areas of medical ethics, health law and medical practice. Resources include:


Privacy/Data Protection

About the Data Protection Commission
Information provided by the Infocomm Media Development Authority.

Personal Data Protection Commission
Overview of the Personal Data Protection Act and its enforcement. The advisory guidelines provide guidance on the manner in which the PDPC will interpret provisions of the PDPA. The Commission's decisions are also available on this website.

Public Report of the Committee of Inquiry (COI) into the cyber attack on Singapore Health Services Private Limited Patient Database on or around June 2018
The Committee of Inquiry was convened to inquire into the events and contributing factors leading to the cyber attack on Singapore Health Services Private Limited (SingHealth)’s patient database system. Report made available by the Ministry of Communication and Information.


Singapore - Data Protection Overview
Article by Chong Kin Lim, Drew & Napier LLC (2022)


Probate and Administration of Estates

CPF Money
Information by the Public Trustee's Office for next-of-kin on the distribution of a deceased's estate and CPF monies.

Other Taxes: Trusts
Guides on taxes relating to trusts and estate duty. Published by the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore.

Singapore Courts: Probate and Administration
Procedure for obtaining probate or letters of administration in the Family Justice Courts.

Syariah Court Singapore: Inheritance
Information on the distribution of a deceased person's estate in accordance with the Administration of Muslim Law Act.

Wills Registry
Information for testators on the deposit of wills at the Registry. Managed by Singapore Academy of Law.



Muslim Family Law Procedure
Slides prepared by the LAB Syariah Court Practice Group (2020)

Singapore Courts
Practice and procedure in the Supreme Court, State Courts and Family Justice Courts.

Singapore Courts
Information about the court system provided by the Singapore Academy of Law in Singapore Law Watch. See also: Singapore Jurisdiction & Law.

Singapore International Commercial Court
Procedural rules, practice directions and forms relating to proceedings in the Court.

Syariah Court Singapore
Islamic court instituted for settling disputes between divorcing parties. Website includes information on inheritance and court processes. See also: Syariah Court Orders.

Article in Singapore Law Watch:

Civil Procedure by Cavinder Bull and Lin Shumin (2018)


Property Law

Law Society of Singapore's Conditions of Sale 2020
Standard terms and conditions which buyers and sellers may incorporate by reference into contracts for sale and purchase of immovable properties.

Ministry of Law: Land Policy and Administration:

Practice Guidelines on Options to Purchase and Sale & Purchase Agreements
Guidelines provided by the Council for Estate Agencies (2015)

Strata Living in Singapore: a General Guide
Includes guidelines relating to the duties and responsibilities of subsidiary proprietors, developers and the management corporation (2005)

Strata Titles Boards
Guidelines and forms relating to strata titles in Singapore.

Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore
Circulars, guidelines and handbooks of the URA, including Master Plans from 1958.

Article in Singapore Law Watch:

  • Land Law by Richard Ming Kirk Tan (2019)


Tax Law

Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
E-tax guides, press releases, downloadable forms and general information on taxes. Includes information on avoidance of double taxation agreements concluded by Singapore and a listing of the tax Acts.

Policies: Taxes
Information on tax policies, including international taxation and betting taxes, which the Ministry of Finance oversees.

Article in Singapore Law Watch:


Technology and Law

Centre for Technology, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & the Law
TRAIL was established in NUS Law to explore the relationship between technology and the various areas of legal research. Information on the centre's publications, including links to full texts of its working papers and reports, are available on this website. Bits & Bytes, the monthly bulletin by TRAIL and its partners, showcases thought leadership in law and technology. 

Legal Technology Manual: A Quick Guide to a Law Firm’s Technology Needs
This guide, published by the Singapore Academy of Law, contains a series of articles which are meant to be a starting point for lawyers to understand baseline legal technology (2019)

Legal Technology Vision: Towards the Digital Transformation of the Legal Sector 
5-year roadmap to help the local legal industry leverage technology to enhance their practice. Developed in consultation with lawyers, judges, regulators and industry experts. Published by the Singapore Academy of Law (2017)

Selection of articles relating to the use of technology by the legal profession in Singapore:



Countering the Financing of Terrorism
Information on the work of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Terrorist Designation (IMC-TD). This Ministry of Home Affairs webpage contains information on Singapore's counter-terrorism measures.

Terrorism Financing Laws in Singapore
Information in this Legal Fact Check Service is provided as a public service by the Law Society of Singapore.

White Paper - The Jemaah Islamiyah Arrests and The Threat of Terrorism
Information on the arrests and threat of terrorism by the JI to Singapore. The paper also outlines steps taken by government agencies to tackle the threat of terrorism. Made available by the National Archives.



Law Reform E-Archive: Tort Law
Law reform reports by the Singapore Academy of Law Law Reform Committee.

Articles in Singapore Law Watch:



Final Report from the Committee of Inquiry into the Nicholl Highway Collapse - Executive Summary (Annex A of Press Release: Committee of Inquiry concludes string of critical design errors caused collapse at Nicoll Highway)
The COI concluded that critical design errors led to the collapse of part of the earth-retaining wall system, which killed four workers in the accident. See also Government Response to the Final Report Of the Committee Of Inquiry into the Nicoll Highway Collapse.

Ministry of Transport
Information on Singapore's transport policies.

Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Disruption of MRT Train Services
Report of the COI dated 3 Jul 2012 relating to train disruptions on 15 and 17 Dec 2011. See also the Key Points of the Ministerial Statement. Published by the Ministry of Transport.

Research Librarian

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Su-Lin Lee
C J Koh Law Library
+65 6601 7105