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Southeast Asian Studies: Singapore
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Research & Writing
Atlas & Dictionaries
* A Baba Malay dictionary : the first comprehensive compendium of Straits Chinese terms and expressions
* The Coxford Singlish dictionary
* Eurasian heritage dictionary : Kristang-English/English-Kristang
* Historical dictionary of Singapore
* Map of Singapore [cartographic material]
* Street atlas Singapore : includes Johor Bahru
* Singapore : an atlas of perpetual territorial transformation
* Singapore street directory [cartographic material]
* Toponymics : a study of Singapore street names
Biographies & Directories
* Directory of halfway houses & aftercare agencies
* Directory of Singapore Malayalees 2004
* Directory of social services
* EduQuest : a guide and directory to distance learning in Singapore
* A guide to churches and Christian organisations in Singapore, 2005-2006
* The guide to Singapore's private medical and dental specialist care : one step guide to finding the right medical & dental care 2005/06
* Singapore banking and financial services directory
* The Singapore corporate family tree
* Someone like you : titans of our time
* Who's who in Singapore 2006
* Young contemporary artists in Singapore
* 90 years of NUS history : a select bibliography
* A bibliography of the Malayan campaign and the Japanese period in West Malaysia, Singapore and Borneo, 1941-1945
* Bibliography of Singapore demography
* Bibliography of unpublished geography research works 1953-2001
* The Hadhrami Arabs in Southeast Asia with special reference to Singapore : an annotated bibliography
* A sense of history : a select bibliography on the history of Singapore
* Singapore artists : a select annotated bibliography
* Singapore housing : an annnotated bibliography
* Singapore literature : a select bibliography of critical writings
* Singapore Malay/Muslim community 1819-1994 : a bibliography
* The Singapore story : a learning nation : a select bibliography
* Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles : a comprehensive bibliography
* Sources on family history : a select bibliography
* Transition to nationhood [electronic resource] : a resource guide to Singapore's merger and separation
For a more comprehensive guide, refer to
Singapore Statistics
* Census of population 2000 : advance data release
* A guide to Singapore official statistics
* Singapore in figures
* Statistics on Singapore : an annotated bibliography of sources in NUS Library
* Yearbook of statistics, Singapore
Reference Books
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