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Singapore Primary Sources: CO Series Part I



Colonial Office (CO) series here refers to the various types of government documents related to the administration & government of the colonies and territories administered directly by the British over Malaya, Singapore, and the Borneo territories. The departments in-charge of foreign and colonial affairs were principally the Colonial Office (CO), Dominions Office (DO), Foreign Office (FO), and Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO). They were created, co-existed, and merged at different times in the history of the United Kingdom government. Other departments, of which records are not listed here, include the military and naval departments (War Office [WO], Air Office [AIR], Admiralty [ADM], Ministry of Defence [DEFE]), and others.

CO Series Part I lists the "Original Correspondence" series. Issues and discussions by authorities that are recorded in these series varies.

CO Series Part II lists the other important sets of government documents. They are the Sessional Papers & Departmental Reports (also known as the Executive & Legislative Council Proceedings); Government Gazettes (official government news); Laws, Acts, & Ordinances; and Statistics (known as Blue Books or Miscellanea).

For assistance in use of these and historical documents prior to these Colonial Office series (e.g. East India Company Records), please contact us.

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The Kratoksa Index can be found in the hard copy format in the NUS Central Library or as an E-Copy as part of the NUS Library's Digital Gems Collection.

Selected Original Correspondence Series for British Malaya

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