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Singapore Primary Sources: India Office Records

Files in NUS Libraries

India Office Records
Records for Singapore before it became a crown colony (before 1867) were mainly with the East India Company. These records are kept with the British Library instead of the Colonial Office. Administrative files of British India are also held under the India Office Records in the British Library rather than the Colonial Office. NUS Libraries has a selection of these files, listed below.



IOR/F/4 : Board of Control Records : Board's Collections (1784-1858)

IOR/F/4/1044/28698 : Jan-Nov 1827 -- Papers regarding the revenues of Singapore, pp 1-4, 15-95, Malacca, pp 5-6, 97-130, and Penang, pp 7-14, 131-225.

IOR/F/4/1044/28703 : Jan-Nov 1827 -- Papers regarding public works completed or in contemplation at Singapore, pp 1-9, 11-127, Malacca, pp 10-10A, 129-42, and Penang, pp 10B-10E, 143-93, (includes a list of public buildings at Penang, with particulars, pp 170-79).

IOR/F/4/1044/28706 : Feb-Aug 1827 -- Results of a population census taken at Singapore on 1 Jan 1827, pp 3-4, and lists of licensed and unlicensed British inhabitants, with particulars, dated 5 Apr 1827, pp 8, 10 (with associated correspondence).

IOR/F/4/1044/28713 : Feb-Nov 1827 -- Abstraction of funds from the Orphan Chamber at Malacca by the outgoing Dutch Government - proposals of the President of the Orphan Chamber, William Thomas Lewis, for its future administration.

IOR/F/4/1044/28714 : Oct 1826-Nov 1827 -- Memorial presented by the principal inhabitants of Malacca to the Governor of the Straits Settlements, lamenting the decline in the settlement's prosperity and suggesting some remedial measures (with associated correspondence).

IOR/F/4/1044/28720 : May-Sep 1826 -- Compilation by Arthur Steele of a digest of the Hindu law and customs in force in the Deccan, with special reference to civil cases - he is awarded 5,000 rupees by the Bombay Government, (includes a copy of the preface to the compilation, pp 35-64).

IOR/F/4/1044/28721 : May-Sep 1826 -- Report by John Warden on the Gosavis (religious mendicants) of the Bombay Presidency (with associated correspondence).



IOR/G/34: Factory records. Straits Settlements  (1769-1830)

IOR/G34/163-4: Singapore political & secret consultations, 1827-1828

IOR/G/34/182A: Letters received from Prince of Wales Island, 4 Mar.-Jul. 1819,

The National Library of Australia has also digitized and put online the entire series of IOR/G/34




IOR/L/PS/20/CA4-5 1864 -1865 :

Abstracts of Letters received from India;

Abstracts of Secret Letters received from India;

Abstracts of Military Letters received from India;

Abstracts of Secret Letters received from the Resident at Aden;

Abstracts of Secret Letters received from the Governor of the Straits Settlements;

Abstracts of Secret Letters received from the Political Agent at Zanzibar;

IOR/L/PS/20/FO : Political and Secret Department Library: Foreign Office Prints ‎ (1843-1937)

IOR/L/PS/20/FO51/1 : Further correspondence respecting the affairs of Asia. (In continuation of Confidential Paper No. 5058) January to March 1885

IOR/L/PS/20/FO51/2 : Further correspondence respecting the affairs of Asia. (In continuation of Confidential Paper No. 5107) April to June 1885

IOR/L/PS/20/FO52/1 : Further correspondence respecting the affairs of Asia. (In continuation of Confidential Paper No. 5140) July to September 1885

IOR/L/PS/20/FO52/2 : Further correspondence respecting the affairs of Asia. (In continuation of Confidential Paper No. 5171) October to December 1885

IOR/L/PS/20/FO53/1 : Further correspondence respecting the affairs of Asia. (In continuation of Confidential Paper No. 5238) January to March 1886

IOR/L/PS/20/FO53/2 : Further correspondence respecting the affairs of Asia. (In continuation of Confidential Paper No. 5320) April to June 1886

IOR/L/PS/20/FO54/1 : Further correspondence respecting the affairs of Asia. (In continuation of Confidential Paper No. 5348) July to September 1886

IOR/L/PS/20/FO54/2 : Further correspondence respecting the affairs of Asia. (In continuation of Confidential Paper No. 5371) October to December 1886

IOR/L/PS/20/FO55/1 : Further correspondence respecting the affairs of Asia. (In continuation of Confidential Paper No. 5408) January to March 1887

IOR/L/PS/20/FO55/2 : Further correspondence respecting the affairs of Asia. (In continuation of Confidential Paper No. 5461) April to June 1887

IOR/L/PS/20/FO56/1 : Further correspondence respecting the affairs of Asia. (In continuation of Confidential Paper No. 5501) July to September 1887

IOR/L/PS/20/FO56/2 : Further correspondence respecting the affairs of Asia. (In continuation of Confidential Paper No. 5520) October to December 1887

IOR/L/PS/20/FO89/1 : Eastern Department: Secret series Part I January to March 1911 ‎ (Feb 1912)

IOR/L/PS/20/FO89/2 : Eastern Department: Secret series Part II April to June 1911 ‎ (Feb 1912)

IOR/L/PS/20/FO89/3 : Eastern Department: Secret series Part III July to September 1911 ‎ (Mar 1912)

IOR/L/PS/20/FO89/4 : Eastern Department: Secret series Part IV October to December 1911 ‎ (Jun 1912)

IOR/L/PS/20/G : Political and Secret Department Library: 'G' Books: Miscellaneous External ‎ (1757-1933)

IOR/L/PS/20/G49 : 'Record of Some Travellers in Asia, East Africa and Arabia whose Works Have Been of Interest to the Government of India, Commencing from 1875'

IOR/L/PS/20/G59 : Military report on the Straits Settlements, 1915. Part I - Singapore. Part II - Penang, Province Wellesley, and "the Dindings". Part III - Malacca, Labuan, Christmas Island, and Cocos Islands [London: War Office, 1915]

IOR/L/PS/20/G71 : Military report on the Netherlands' possessions in the East Indies (London: General Staff, War Office, 1919)

IOR/L/PS/20/G60 : The Turkish and Pan-Turkish ideal. By Tekin Alp. Constantinople: mimeographed typescript, 1915 ‎ (1915)

IOR/L/PS/20/G61 : Personalities. Bulgaria London: Intelligence Division, Admiralty War Staff, 2nd edn, 1916 ‎ (1916)

IOR/L/PS/20/G62 : [Catalogue of the German propogandist library attached to M I 7 (B), containing pamphlets and periodicals issued by German propagandists London: War Office, mimeographed typescript,‎ (1916)

IOR/L/PS/20/G63 : Orders for the organization of a Force (I[ndian] E[xpeditionary] F[orce] "D") for operations oversea. With amendments to March 1st, 1916 Delhi: General Staff India (1916)

IOR/L/PS/20/G65 : Instructions for the spelling of place-names in foreign countries London: Intelligence Division, Naval Staff‎ (1917)

IOR/L/PS/20/G66 : War Cabinet. List of commissions, committees, and other bodies appointed to consider questions arising during the present war. Prepared by direction of the Prime Minister. ... revised to 31st March, 1918 .... Paper no 235-B Printed for the War Cabinet (Apr 1918)

IOR/L/PS/20/G67 : Commercial treaties of the principal industrial and trading countries. First report. Commercial treaties of the United Kingdom. Report to the President of the Board of Trade on the treaty arrangements of the United Kingdom. By G J Stanley, late Assistant Secretary of the Commercial Department of… read more the Board of Trade [London: Board of Trade]‎ (1917)

IOR/L/PS/20/G67A : Commercial treaties of the principal industrial and trading countries. Second report. Commercial treaties of Germany. Report to the President of the Board of Trade on the treaty arrangements of Germany. By G J Stanley .... [London: Board of Trade]‎ (1917)

IOR/L/PS/20/G68 : Report on the Propaganda Library. [By P Ch M ?London: War Office] ‎ (1917)



IOR/L/PS/12/1-1442 : Political (External) Department, Annual Files ‎ (1931-1950)

IOR/L/PS/12/188 : PZ 8602/35 Economic situation reports submitted by HM Missions abroad; issue of Quarterly Economic Surveys by HMG; Quarterly Economic Surveys 1-9, 10-17 (6 Jun 1935-17 Aug 1939)

IOR/L/PS/12/459 : PZ 303/41(1) Far Eastern situation: telegrams (21 Jan 1941-23 Jul 1941)

IOR/L/PS/12/460 : PZ 303/41(2) Far Eastern situation: telegrams (19 Jul 1941-4 Jun 1943)

IOR/L/PS/12/529 : Ext 3813/41 Correct procedure for correspondence with Far Eastern Security and Intelligence Centre, Singapore (4 Jul 1941-11 Aug 1942)

IOR/L/PS/12/531 : Ext 3847/41 Co-ordination of civil activities in the Far East: Mr Duff Cooper's mission to the Far East (7 Jul 1941-30 Aug 1941)

IOR/L/PS/12/568 : Ext 5209/41 Australian representative at Singapore (27 Aug 1941-29 Aug 1941)

IOR/L/PS/12/703 : Ext 1288/42 Anti-Japanese propaganda ‎ (13 Mar 1942-27 Apr 1942)

IOR/L/PS/12/740 : Ext 4018/42 Political warfare against Japan: supply of copies of vernacular press from Japanese occupied areas

IOR/L/PS/12/773 : Ext 6370/42(1) Washington Weekly Political Summary, November 1942-December 1944 ‎ (18 Nov 1942-13 Jan 1945)

IOR/L/PS/12/774 : Ext 6370/42(2) Washington Weekly Political Summary, January-December 1945 ‎ (5 Jan 1945-29 Dec 1945)

IOR/L/PS/12/1032 : Ext 4821/45 Situation in South East Asia: French Indo China ‎ (26 Sep 1945-31 Dec 1945)

IOR/L/PS/12/1077 : Ext 5272/45 Detailed account by H E Dening on his visit to Singapore ‎(13 Oct 1945-15 Oct 1945)

IOR/L/PS/12/1111 : Ext 53/46(1) Washington weekly political summaries December 1945-April 1946 ‎ (3 Jan 1946-9 May 1946)

IOR/L/PS/12/1112 : Ext 53/46(2) Washington weekly political summaries April 1946-January 1947 ‎ (8 May 1946-17 Jan 1947)

IOR/L/PS/12/1167 : Ext 6116/46(S) Secret Weekly Political Intelligence Summaries, nos 356-416, August 1946-November 1947 (6 Sep 1946-Nov 1947)

IOR/L/PS/12/1175 : Ext 6985/46 Repatriation of Japanese from South East Asia ‎ (14 Oct 1946-16 Oct 1946)

IOR/L/PS/12/1180 : Ext 7521/46(S) Special distribution of Intelligence Summaries, etc ‎ (5 Nov 1946-12 Dec 1946)

IOR/L/PS/12/1228 : Ext 5154/47 Washington weekly political summaries 1947 ‎ (14 Jan 1947-31 Dec 1947)

IOR/L/PS/12/1372 : Pol Ext 6013/49 Sir W Strang's tour of South East Asia ‎ (29 Dec 1948-5 Apr 1949)

IOR/L/PS/12/1389 : Pol Ext 6840/49 Dr B V Keskar's tour in South East Asia ‎ (22 Apr 1949-8 Nov 1949)

IOR/L/PS/12/1440 : Pol Ext 9404/49 Tour of South East Asia by Dr Richard Goold Adams of the Economist ‎ (27 Jan 1950-30 Jan 1950)

IOR/L/PS/12/4631-4693 : External Collection 48: India's Foreign Relations ‎ (1945-1950)

IOR/L/PS/12/4669 : Coll 48/5A South East Asia: admission of Soviet trade representatives or consuls to Colonial territories in South East Asia (5 Sep 1946-8 Jun 1948)

IOR/L/PS/12/4761-4784 : External Collection 55: India's Foreign Policy ‎ (1946-1950)

IOR/L/PS/12/4707 : Coll 50/1B Review of Political Events in South East Asia, 1945-1946 ‎ (1 Jul 1946-4 Jul 1946)

IOR/L/PS/12/4770 : Coll 55/10 Relations with China ‎ (31 Aug 1949-16 Feb 1950)

IOR/L/PS/12/4771 : Coll 55/12 Policy in Mauritius ‎ (8 Sep 1949-11 Oct 1949)

IOR/L/PS/12/4772 : Coll 55/14 Relations with South East Asia: Statistics Training Centre, New Delhi ‎ (13 Oct 1949-29 Oct 1949)

IOR/L/PS/12/4773 : Coll 55/16 Relations with Australia ‎ (21 Oct 1949-22 Feb 1950)

IOR/L/PS/12/4774 : Coll 55/17 Possible formation of a Pacific Pact ‎ (20 Sep 1949-3 Nov 1949)

IOR/L/PS/12/4775 : Coll 55/18 Relations with Russia ‎ (Unspecified)

IOR/L/PS/12/4776 : Coll 55/18A Political implications in trade agreement between India and USSR ‎ (12 Dec 1946-9 Jun 1950)

IOR/L/PS/12/4777 : Coll 55/20 Relations with the Commonwealth ‎ (29 Nov 1949-4 Mar 1950)

IOR/L/PS/12/4769 : Coll 55/9(S) Relations with USA ‎ (31 Aug 1949-20 Feb 1950)


IOR/L/PS/11/75, P 1090

IOR/L/PS/11/75, P1090: Malay Peninsula Kra Canal



IOR/L/PS/10 : Political and Secret Department records : Departmental papers : Political and Secret (separate or subject) files (1902-1931)

IOR/L/PS/10/578 : File 4830/1915 Japan: policy in the Far East ‎ (1915-1919)

IOR/L/PS/10/629: File 4245/1916 Pt 1 Dutch East Indies: affairs ‎ (1916-1918)

IOR/L/PS/10/630: File 4245/1916 Pt 2 Dutch East Indies: affairs ‎ (1918-1920)

IOR/L/PS/10/631: File 4245/1916 Pt 3 Dutch East Indies: affairs ‎ (1921-1922)

IOR/L/PS/10/632: File 4245/1916 Pt 4 Dutch East Indies: affairs ‎ (1923-1929)



IOR/L/PS/9/2-50: Secret Letters received from various areas outside India ‎ (1793-1874)

IOR/L/PS/9/40: Secret Letters Received from areas outside India, Vol 40 Aden, Muscat, Zanzibar, and Straits Settlements ‎(1863)

IOR/L/PS/9/41: Secret Letters Received from areas outside India, Vol 41 Aden, Muscat, Zanzibar, and Straits Settlements (1864)

IOR/L/PS/9/42: Secret Letters Received from areas outside India, Vol 42 Aden, Muscat, Zanzibar, and Straits Settlements‎ (1865)

IOR/L/PS/9/43: Secret Letters Received from areas outside India, Vol 43 Aden, Muscat, Zanzibar, and Straits Settlements‎ (1866)

IOR/L/PS/9/211-216: Letters to Prince of Wales Island (Penang) ‎ (1805-1830)

IOR/L/PS/9/211: Letters to Prince of Wales Island: Vol 1 ‎ (18 Apr 1805-10 Apr 1811)

IOR/L/PS/9/212: Letters to Prince of Wales Island: Vol 2 ‎ (13 Jun 1811-3 Jun 1814)

IOR/L/PS/9/213: Letters to Prince of Wales Island: Vol 3 ‎ (8 Jun 1814-30 Jul 1817)

IOR/L/PS/9/214: Letters to Prince of Wales Island: Vol 4 ‎ (15 Oct 1817-12 Nov 1823)

IOR/L/PS/9/215: Letters to Prince of Wales Island: Vol 5 ‎ (7 Jan 1824-12 May 1830)

IOR/L/PS/9/216: Letters to Prince of Wales Island: Vol 6 (Commercial) ‎ (3 Sep 1817-5 May 1830)

IOR/L/PS/9/217-220: Secret Letters and Enclosures from Java ‎ (1812-1817)

IOR/L/PS/9/221: Board's copies of Secret and Political Letters and Enclosures from Prince of Wales Island (Penang) ‎ (4 Mar 1819-1 Jul 1819)



IOR/L/PS/5: Political and Secret Department records secret correspondence with India (1756-1874)

IOR/L/PS/5/24, Secret letters from India and Singapore, 1858


IOR/L/PS/6: Political Correspondence with India (1792-1874)

IOR/L/PS/6/532, Coll 49/9

IOR/L/PS/6/532, Coll 49/9: Correspondence regarding the proposal to construct a railway across the Isthmus of Kra and the adjustment of the boundary between Siam and Tenasserim

IOR/L/PS/6/522, Coll 103/1

IOR/L/PS/6/522, Coll 103/1: Report of H M Consul at Bangkok (Sir Robert H Schomburgh) on his journey to Chieng Mai, Moulmein and Tavoy



IOR/L/PJ/6: Public and Judicial Departmental Papers: Annual Files (1880-1930)

IOR/L/PJ/6/2024, File 7351: The Burma Rebellion [electronic resource] : trials, judgements and appeals.



IOR/L/MIL/12: Bombay Army Records (1708-1914)

IOR/L/MIL/12/94 : Bombay Services Vol 7 (1872-1874)



IOR/L/MIL/17: Military Department Records : Military Library Collections

IOR/L/MIL/17/19/49, Singapore Sequel / L.D. Gammans



European Manuscripts

IOR/MSS/Eur B111, Extracts from the book, Letters (1823-1824) about Bencoolen, Menangkabau, Rhiow, Singapour and Poelo Penang by Col. Nahuija

IOR/MSS/Eur B322, Letter by Sir Stamford Raffles to Thomas Macqusid commenting on various officials serving in Singapore and Bencoolen, 1824

IOR/MSS/Eur B409, Memiors by Maj-Gen Thomas Murray, Bengal Army, on his service om various parts of South East Asia between 1801 and 1829

IOR/MSS/Eur D81, Robert Niven Gilchrist, Political Dept. India on the political and social problems of Indians in Malaya,1944

IOR/MSS/Eur F202, Drafts, documents and working notes compiled by Rev R.B. Raffles (1857-1905) for a memior of Sir Thomas Raffles. Includes typescript of papers dated 1825 relating to controversy between Raffles and William Farquhar.



European Manuscripts

IOR/Photo/Eur 60, Letters written by Franklin R. Kendall, employee of Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. to his mother in England, 1858-1866

IOR/Photo/Eur 263, Diaries of Mrs Pauline Searle, dating 1945-1947, describing her Journey to India and Malaya.