American Sociological Association style guide (2019)
Print: NUS Libraries catalogue (LINC)
Authoritative reference for writing, submitting, editing, and copy editing manuscripts for ASA journals and other publications following ASA's unique format. This revised, updated edition features guidelines for the most common situations encountered by authors and editors. New features include revisions to reference formatting and additional information on grammar, as well as expanded information on the use of electronic, digital, and social media sources. The sixth edition also includes guidance for online manuscript submissions, preprints, and updated reference examples.
In-Text and References - Purdue Online Writing Lab, Purdue University
Link to Purdue Online Writing Lab (In-Text Citation)
Link to Purdue Online Writing Lab (References Page Formatting)
Generally, in-text citations include the last name of the author(s) and year of publication. Also, note that unlike the APA style, there are no commas between the last name and the year of publication.
Single author
If author's name is in the text, add publication year in parentheses:
If the name is not in the text, put the last name and publication year in parentheses:
Joint authors
Three authors
First citation for a work with three authors:
Subsequent citations:
Four or more authors
For first and subsequent citations:
Institutional or government authorship
Minimum identification:
If the name is long and if the abbreviation is readily understandable, you may abbreviate the name in the second and subsequent citations.
Multiple consecutive citations
List in either alphabetical or date order consistently throughout the manuscript. Separate with semicolons.
Direct quote
If a direct quote or specific passage is used, add the page number after the year of publication:
Unpublished materials
Indicate forthcoming for materials scheduled for publication. Cite date for dissertations and unpublished/working papers. If no date is available, use N.d.(no date) in place of the date.
Books and Book Chapters
Book chapters
Journal Articles
The fourth edition of the ASA style guide recommends that the issue number be included after the volume number of the journal. If they are included, they should be used throughout the reference list.
Other Reference Materials
Dissertation or Thesis in print or microfilm form:
Dissertation or Thesis retrieved from database:
Working papers, unpublished papers, discussion papers, presentations:
The general rules for print materials apply to e-resources as well, with some additional items such as the URL and date of access, to add in the citation.
Journal articles (e-journals) with URL:
Journal articles (e-journals) with DOI:
Blog post
Online video