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Course Readings

Course Readings is a NUS Libraries service that provides course-related materials made available, either electronically or physically.


View Course Readings at a 100% view to see the accompanying text identifying each icon. To do this, click Ctrl and -/+ keys to expand or reduce text size. 

* You can right-click, "open image in a new tab" to view the image more clearly.   

Create reading list

You need to create a list before you can add readings. 
There are 2 ways to create a list.

Copyright declaration

Copyright declaration is a built-in feature within Course Readings.

  • Reused readings from previous reading list with files attached will have an orange copyright declaration banner. Follow the steps shown in Declaration required status to declare copyright. 

Reuse an existing reading list from previous semester

Follow the below steps to reuse readings that have already been migrated to Course Readings. Only 1 reading list can be reused. 
1. Click on New List.

* You can right-click, "open image in a new tab" to view the image more clearly.   

2. Set the Duration for the list to be accessible. 
Note: This duration (i.e. the start and end dates) cannot be changed once you have created the reading list. Hence, if you intend for the reading list be visible to students at a different date range compared to the date range shown under Predefined duration, please select Custom instead and indicate your preferred start/end date and reading list name.

* You can right-click, "open image in a new tab" to view the image more clearly.   

* You can right-click, "open image in a new tab" to view the image more clearly.   

3. If you are attempting to re-use a previous reading list, choose a Course code and Reading List (e.g. [2210] 2022/2023 Semester 1) from the drop-down menus. 

4. Select your readings, click on Next to continue and Create to set up the new list. 

* You can right-click, "open image in a new tab" to view the image more clearly.   


4. Click on Next, followed by Create.

* You can right-click, "open image in a new tab" to view the image more clearly.   

6. Declaration Required: After your reading list has been created, you may see an orange copyright declaration banner.  Click on the Tick to declare copyright.

You may also click on Declare All when you have multiple readings that require mass declaration.




* You can right-click, "open image in a new tab" to view the image more clearly.   


7. After declaring, a Copyright Declaration Statement will appear. Click on "Confirm", after which you will receive an email from eReserve Team with details of your request. Please keep this email on file for reference. 

After this step, you may go ahead to publish your list. 

* You can right-click, "open image in a new tab" to view the image more clearly.   


  • Upon creating a list through reusing a existing list, it is still possible for you to add more readings.
  • Look out for each reading status (e.g. Declaration required) to see if there is any follow-up action required. This is because each reading status can affect its accessibility to students.

Create a new reading list

1. Click on New List.

2. Set the Duration for the list to be accessible.
Note: This duration (i.e. the start and end dates) cannot be changed once you have created the reading list. Hence, if you intend for the reading list be visible to students at a different date range compared to the date range shown under Predefined duration, please select Custom and indicate your preferred start, end date and reading list name.

* You can right-click, "open image in a new tab" to view the image more clearly.   

3. As you are creating a new list, click on Skip, followed by Create.

* You can right-click, "open image in a new tab" to view the image more clearly.   

* You can right-click, "open image in a new tab" to view the image more clearly.