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Course Readings

Course Readings is a NUS Libraries service that provides course-related materials made available, either electronically or physically.

Course Reading FAQs for NUS faculty & students

Q. Where is Course Readings on Canvas?

Note: To access Course Readings on Canvas based on the steps below, you will need your NUS-ID and Password and you will also need to be enrolled in the course

  1. Head to Canvas and if you are prompted, login with your NUS-ID and Password.
  2. On Dashboard, select the Course you intend to access Course Readings from. 

  1. On the Course Navigation bar, click on Course Readings

  1. You will be able to see the Course Readings (aka reading list for the Course) if it has been published (by staff in charge) and your browser (e.g. Google Chrome) is compatible with Course Readings

* You can right-click, "open image in a new tab" to view the image more clearly.   

Q. The Course Readings page is blank when I access it on Google Chrome. What can I do about this? 

If the Course Readings page shows up blank on your computer's Google Chrome browser, it may be because of its settings for cookies and other site data.

To resolve the issue, follow the steps below.

  1. On the top right side of your Google Chrome browser, click on  followed by Settings.

  1. On the Settings page, click on Privacy and Security followed by Cookies and other site data.

  1. Now, select 1 of these options: Block third-party cookiesBlock third-party cookies in Incognito or Allow all cookies.

-You should now be able to see the contents of the Course Readings page on your Google Chrome browser now. 


Course Reading FAQs for NUS faculty

Q. Can I add a streaming video onto Course Readings? 

No. This is because the film is only restricted to course participants and including a link to it within Course Readings would make it accessible to all NUS staff and students. 

However, you may request for a streaming video for your course and NUS Libraries will inform you if the streaming version is available. Thereafter, you may consider adding the video link in other parts of Canvas, such as in Pages or Files. For more information on this, please refer to

Q. How can I add a scanned reading onto the only reading list for a Course this semester within Course Readings?

1. Prior to doing so, please check if NUS Libraries has the e-version of the reading and add it as a link instead (e.g chapter/article found within ebook/ejournal). 

2. If NUS Libraries does not have the e-version, please ensure that the scanned reading to be added is copyright compliant on its own and when added into the reading list. 

3. Once you have confirmed that you are adhering to copyright regulations, please refer to Add reading by filling up a form. Particularly, at its step 2, select File to attach the scanned copy of the reading.      

Q. Which way would you suggest I use to add a reading to a Course Readings reading list?

  • Option 1: Find an existing reading
    It usually can find book titles and journal titles that exist within NUS Libraries' catalogue.
    It can also find some journal articles within the journals that exist within NUS Libraries' catalogue.
    However, it usually cannot find book chapters. 
  • Option 2: Reading from file
    NUSearch+ and some databases (see the 2 below images) allow you to download the RIS file of the reading (e.g. ebook, ejournal, ebook chapter, ejournal article). This downloaded RIS file can then be used for Reading from file.

* You can right-click, "open image in a new tab" to view the image more clearly. 



Q. Why am I receiving this Copyright Declaration Statement email?

The copyright declaration statement email is typically sent to the Requestor of each reading in the below scenarios. 

Scenario 1: A reading containing a File or a Locate request was added to a Course Readings reading list and had its copyright declaration confirmed or submitted. The reading now has an Active or Pending status.


Scenario 2: A reading containing a File or Locate request on Course Readings reading list has been approved or edited by NUS Libraries staff. In most cases, the reading will have an Active or Pending status.

Q. Course Readings is missing on the Course Navigation bar in Canvas. What can I do?

  1. If you don't have the Course Reading Tab on your Canvas homepage, you can add it in. Go to Settings from your Canvas home page. 

  2. Click into the Navigation Tab located at the top and enable "Course Readings" into your module by clicking the ellipsis menu (3 dots) and clicking "Enable". After you have enabled, click Save and go back to Home. You should be able to view the Course Reading tab in your list of tools. 
  3. You can change the position of the tab according to your preference. Right click and select "Move" to maneuver the tab. 
    Note: The options you select in Course Settings will be applicable to all readings and reading list within the same Course.



Q. I don't see my reading list for my Course on Course Readings. Where is it?

  1. To set up a reading list, click on Lists and choose the reading list you are looking for.

  1. (Optional) If you want your reading list and all the active readings not awaiting copyright declaration and which are not hidden on it to be accessible immediately to students, click on Publish.

* You can right-click, "open image in a new tab" to view the image more clearly. 

Q. What is this text that is listed in front of the course name when I am choosing to publish a reading list?

This text represents the SIS ID of the course.

The course's SIS ID is also visible under Settings' Course Details.