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Course Readings

Course Readings is a NUS Libraries service that provides course-related materials made available, either electronically or physically.

Why you should use reading links on Canvas page

  • Adding reading links on Canvas Page increases its visibility from a published reading list to students. This step is optional.
  • You need to create your reading listadd readings to it and then publish it before you can proceed with adding reading links below.
  • Readings should be Active (does not have outstanding copyright declaration) on the published reading list.
  • If a reading link doesn't seem to be reflecting correctly, but the citation of the published reading list it is correct, please delete and reinsert it. 

Add reading links on a Canvas Page

  1. Go to Canvas and click on Pages in Course Navigation. 
  1. At the top right corner, click on +Page.


  1. Enter the page title and any instructions/information in the Rich Content Editor.
  2. Click to place your cursor in the Rich Content Editor where you want the reading link to be.
  3. Click on the App icon  in the toolbar followed by View All. Select Course Readings. Alternatively, you can just click on the green Course Reading logo to directly select the readings that you want to display. 


  1. Choose a reading list in the pop-up Course Readings window.


  1. Select a reading to add. We recommend repeating the process from step 4 for each of your readings. You will not be able to change individual reading links if you select multiple readings. 


  1. Click Next to create the readings. You may need to scroll up the screen to view the button. 


  1. Adjust the width of the reading(s) to suit your preference.
  2. Click Create to add the reading to the page. 


  1. Click Save or Save & Publish on the Page.

Add reading links on existing Canvas Page

  1. Go to Canvas and click on Pages in Course Navigation.
  1. Under Page title, locate the page you intend to provide the reading links for and then click on it.

  1. Click on Edit and follow the instructions from step 4 onwards in "Add reading links on New Canvas Page".


Delete reading link on Canvas page

  1. Go to Canvas and click on Pages in Course Navigation.
  1. Under Page title, locate the page you intend to delete the reading link(s) from and then click on it.

  1. Click on Edit.

  1. In the Rich Content Editor, place your cursor at the back of the reading link and click on Backspace on your keyboard. This will remove the reading link. 

* You can right-click, "open image in a new tab" to view the image more clearly.   

  1. Click on Save or Save & Publish on the Page.