Your one-stop library guide to essential resources for research in Sociology. Below is a summary of what you can find in this guide.
Go to the top panel and click on individual tabs to find out more.
- Books, Articles, Newspapers, Thesis, Databases
Guide on searching and locating various types of sources - Must Know :)
- Theses and Dissertations
Theses & dissertations deposited in NUS Libraries as well as those indexed in databases worldwide
- Databases
Subject-specific and multidisciplinary databases for searching scholarly journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, statistics, datasets, newspapers, working papers...
- Statistics / Data
- Find Full Text
Get full texts of titles subscribed by NUS Libraries - set these great tools in your device!
- Writing
Selected guides on academic writing for Sociology and Anthropology
- Open Educational Resources (OER)
Listings of open repositories, search engines, journals, textbooks, courses, films, videos, images, photos... that are available in the public domain or are issued under a license that allows for free use and re-purposing.
- Websites, Blogs
Popular web sources, blogs,... relating to Sociology and Anthropology
- Citing and Referencing
Check this guide on the citation styles (such as ASA) - Must Know!
- Reference Management
NUS Libraries provide support for EndNote and Zotero
Graduate students may wish to refer to Sociology Resources for Graduate Students libguide.
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