This guide helps you to find books, articles, journals, patent, legislation, newspapers and more :)
How to find a book?
(1) Use NUS Libraries' search engine (NUSearch+) to find books/ e-books. The search will include all types of materials in our collection.
The ensuing results list shown, are sorted by relevance.
(2) Use LINC (NUS Libraries' Catalogue) if you know which item you are looking for.
Search by using the keyword in the Simple Search box or specific field(s) such as Author, Title, etc.
1. Find the location of the book in the library
2. Check whether a copy is available
3. Take note of the call number of the book
4. If there is a Stack #, the book is in Closed Stacks
5. If it is an e-book, click on the link to access full-text
How to borrow it?
Use your student card to borrow books at the self-check machines or go to the Service Desk.
How to return it?
Return borrowed books at the book drop.
RBR items (books on 2-hour loan period) should be returned at the RBR self-check machine of the library you have borrowed it from.
How to reserve if the book is borrowed out?
Place hold/ reserve the book if it is out on loan using LINC (NUS Library INtegrated Catalogue).
Note that access to e-books varies. Some allow book download, some allow by chapters. There are also e-books that you can only be allowed to read online, ie, not downloadable.
Interested to know more on e-books? Read further in this guide: E-Books Library Guide (NUS Libraries)
How to find a journal article?
(1) Search by article title in our search engine (NUSearch+) to see if we have a subscription for the article.
Please note that search by article title only works for 90% of our online articles. However, this method would not work for articles that we have in print only. For such cases, search by journal title (not article title) in the library portal's search box.
Search by journal title in LINC (NUS Libraries' Catalogue)
If an online article is not found, try searching by journal title (not the article title) to check if we have the print journal in the library. Do check availability of relevant volume and issue of the journal.
Setting up Findit@NUS Libraries in Google Scholar and Proxy Bookmarklet in your device
Proxy Bookmarklet and Findit@NUSLibraries in Google Scholar allow you to directly access full text of those e-resources that we subscribed to.
Proxy Bookmarklet - Use this when you are on a site asking you to pay for access
Google Scholar + NUS Libraries - Use this with Google Scholar to gain access to full text with one click
NUS Libraries provides access to a wider range of newspaper sources.
Are you searching for recent newspaper articles, or historical in nature?
Explore the possibilities. Contact NUS Libraries if you need help.
Searching for Newspapers via Library Portal
In the Library portal page, click Databases
On Databases page, within the Type dropdown list, choose E-Newspapers. You will see the list of newspapers that are accessibility.
Historical/Primary Sources
3. Historical Newspapers of Singapore and Malaya
Related helpful guides - click the link(s), to check out the bunchloads of relevant information :)
Recent Newspapers
How to find a relevant database?
Databases are a good place to begin research. NUS Libraries subscribes to many, covering wider-ranging disciplines. Types of content include journal articles, conference papers, newspapers, book chapters, reports, reviews, etc. You can search a database for information (on a particular subject, keyword, author, etc.) across multiple sources (journals, newspapers, etc.) simultaneously.
(1) Click Databases link on main search page
On the database search page, you can enter the database in the search box, if you know which database you are searching for.
Or you may choose to browse the Major/Popular databases, see the listing by Subjects or by Type
(2) Not sure which database(s) to use?
Check out the recommended databases in Resource Guides compiled by our Resources Librarians.
Searching for an e-journal?
Example of a straightforward search: Singapore Journal of Legal Studies
(1) Click E-Journals link on the main search page of the library portal
(2) On the e-journals search page, you can enter the name/keyword of the journal in the search box, if you know which journal you are searching for.
Or you may choose to browse the titles alphabetically
(3) Enter your NUS-ID and password
(4) The journal site pops up :) Generally, default may show latest publication, so you would need to narrow down your search if you are, for example, searching for previous publications that are within our subscription.
Example of a search for historical sources: Malayan Branch or the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
(at this point of your research, you may/may not be aware that they are one and the same)
1. Search e-journal for either 'malayan branch' or 'straits branch' separately would provide individual results (see below):
Clicking either results would bring you to the same e-journal link via JSTOR. The search results in JSTOR would enable you to know the sequence of the name change for this historical content.
So, is there an alternative way to search for this historical source? YES:)
1. Go to library portal
2. Click LINC (to go to our library catalogue search page)
3. Choose Simple Search.
In the search box enter keyword(s) that you are aware of (for this example: 'malayan branch' or 'straits branch')
Screenshot on the left showed the results for 'malayan branch', and on the right shows results for 'straits branch':
Using either keyword(s) search, you now know (a) there is an accessible e-journal, and importantly, (b) the information at the bottom [Continued By...], showing how these two journals are linked - an important point when you are doing such historical sources search.
Hit a snag when trying to access an e-journal ? :(
Provide us the information and screenshot(s) via the Ask-a-Librarian question form
Main resources on thesis