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Find Library Resources: Legislation, Patent, Standards, Statistics

The guide to help you search for items within NUS Libraries

Click image below to go to our Law Guide on Legislation

link to legislation


Quick access to following sources on legislation directly:

Have a feedback to share? Contact NUS Libraries.

Click on image to check out our guide on Patent


The purpose of a patent is to protect a technical concept, process or product for a number of years. 

Quick access to patent-related information below:

Have a feedback to share? Contact NUS Libraries.

Click on image and check out our guide on Standards

   image link to standards guide    


Standards (e.g. SS, BS, ISO, IEC, IEEE, ASTM) are sets of specifications on how certain materials or products should be manufactured, defined, measured or tested.

Quick access to standards-related information below:

Have a feedback to share? Contact NUS Libraries.

Click on image and check out our guide on Statistics

Looking for some statistics? What sort of data are you searching for? Country data? Market research? Peruse our treasure trove of information available on our statistics guide:)

Quick access to Singapore-related stats: Singapore Statistics


Have a feedback to share? Contact NUS Libraries.