Country reports are available as well as academic and trade journals that have recent information on different countries' political, legislative, economic or social issues.
Factiva provides access to global news and business information from approximately 8,000 publications in 22 languages, including the world's most prestigious publications, local sources, and the Reuters and Dow Jones newswires.
As with Factiva, use Nexis Uni to access the latest news across thousands of newspapers from various countries.
Use the Company Dossier module to retrieve detailed company information and financial performance measures or identify and compare companies matching specific criteria. This product also provides access to the renowned Shepard's Citations service for all federal and state court cases 1789-present.
BMI contains country level risk analysis and ratings, as well as country level industry reports. Note: First time users are required to register and wait up to 24 hours for access.
" is the first-stop portal to search and access publicly-available data published by the Singapore Government. Launched in June 2011, brings together over 5000 datasets from 50 government ministries and agencies."
This searchable database contains all tables produced from published US R&D surveys from 1953 through 1998. These tables include statistics for selected periods on such measures as industry R&D funding and industry R&D personnel. These statistics are broken out by such dimensions as source, industrial sector, character of work, and company size.