Market research for Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) and some consumer services, including lifestyle reports, business intelligence, demographic and consumer analyses, and statistics on sales, brand and company shares of FMCGs.
Frost looks at innovations in various industries and their market impact. Market data such as CAGR, market size and top companies and brands are usually covered in the reports.
Formerly known as FitchConnect, BMI covers over 22 industries and categories including pharmacueticals, infrastructure, energy and banking. The database contains reports, briefings, SWOT analyses, forecasting and risk analyses Note: First time users are required to register and wait up to 24 hours for access.
Gartner focuses on IT and tech in various industries. Quantitative data is not available, but the qualitative analyses provided in Gartner are good for understanding technologies in the context of different industries in the Hype Cycles, and relevant vendors for different technologies in Magic Quadrants.
First time users must register to give Gartner permission to collect your name and NUS email whenever you login to Gartner in the future. After registering, it will take up to 24 hours for Gartner to update their whitelist. Subsequently using the same link should let you login to the database. Should you encounter any issues with accessing Gartner after registering, please email us for assistance at
Market research reports, industry reports, SWOT analyses for different industries are available, as well as prominent academic journals and trade magazines on marketing.
While not as large as Factiva, Nexis Uni still has access to considerable titles in news, business and legal information. Includes full text coverage of industry and market news, company financial information, accounting information, law reviews, state and country profiles from newspapers, wire services, magazines and trade journals, and U.S. federal and state case law.
Use the Company Dossier module to retrieve detailed company information and financial performance measures or identify and compare companies matching specific criteria. This product also provides access to the renowned Shepard's Citations service for all federal and state court cases 1789-present.
Use this to search for North American industry codes to help you define industries. It is prudent to use industry codes to retrieve companies of a particular industry from databases Osiris, Oriana and OneSource.
Use this to search to define industries in Singapore. Most databases do not use local industry codes so you need to match the Singapore industry with NAICS.
"The Credit Research Initiative (CRI) is a non-profit undertaking under the Asian Institute of Digital Finance (AIDF) of the National University of Singapore. " (from NUSCRI website)
"The CRI uses scientific methods (e.g. forward-intensity default prediction model, Duan et. al. 2012, Journal of Econometrics, and others) to provide credit risk assessments for exchange-listed companies around the world. To date, the CRI has developed several data products, including the Probability of Default (PD), Actuarial Spread (AS), and the Corporate Vulnerability Index (CVI) that are updated daily with newly collected information. The credit risk data are available on over 73,000 firms in 133 economies and are accessible through this website free of charge."
CBRE is an international company that provides real estate investment and services. They also publish regularly updated reports on Singapore real estate.
Compilation by City Planning and Landscape Architecture Library. Areas covered include city and urban planning, design, land use, housing and transportation.
NUS Institute of Real Estate and Urban Studies (IREUS) produces the Singapore Residential Price Index Series (SRPI) and the Real Estate Sentiment Index (RESI).
The National University of Singapore (“NUS”) Singapore Residential Price Index Series (“SRPI”) is a transactions-based index that tracks the month-on-month price movements of private non-landed residential properties in Singapore.
They govern all matters relating to buildings and construction in Singapore, including the establishment of of standards used in the construction industry.