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Chinese Linguistics 汉语语言学: CH6203 Reading List 语法化理论和汉语语法现象参考书目

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CH6203 Reading List 语法化理论和汉语语法现象参考书目 (AY2016/2017, Semester 1)

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Brinton, Laurel J. and Elizabeth Closs Traugott. 2005. Lexicalization and Language Change.
     Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hopper, Paul J. and  Elizabeth Closs Traugott. 2003. Grammaticalization. Cambridge:
     Cambridge University Press.       
Heine, Bernd and Tania Kuteva. 2002. World Lexicon of Grammaticalization. Cambridge,
     UK: Cambridge University Press.
--2007 The Genesis of Grammar: A Reconstruction. New York: Oxford University Press.
董秀芳, 2011,《词汇化:汉语双音节词的衍生和发展》。北京:商务印书馆。
太田辰夫(蔣绍愚,徐昌华译),1997, 《中国语历史文法》。北京:北京大学出版社。
王力,1989, 《汉语语法史》。北京:商务印书馆。
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Bisang, Walter. 2009. On the evolution of complexity: Sometimes less is more in East and
     mainland Southeast Asia. In Language Complexity as an Evolving Variable, Geoffrey
     Sampson, David Gil, and Peter Trudgill (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 34-49.
--2010. Grammaticalizaiton in Chinese: A construction-based account. In Elizabeth Closs
     Traugott and Graeme Trousdale (eds.), Gradience, Gradualness, and Grammaticalization.
     Amsterdam: Benjamins, 245-277.
Bybee, Joan.2003. Mechanisms of Change in Grammaticalization: The Role of Frequency.
     In Joseph Brian D. and Richard D. Janda eds. The Handbook of Historical Linguistics,
     602-623. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Bybee, Joan and Sandra A. Thompson. 1997. Three frequency effects in syntax. Berkeley
     Linguistics Society 23. 378-388.
Diewald, Gabriele. 2002. A Model for Relevant Types of Contexts in Grammaticalization. In
     Wischer and Diewald, eds. 2002: 104-120. 
Haiman, John. 1994. Ritualization and the Development of Language. In Pagliuca, ed.,
     Perspectives on Grammaticalization. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.  
Haspelmath, Martin. 1998. Does grammaticalization need reanalysis? Studies in Language 22:
--1999. Why is grammaticalization irreversible? Linguistics 37: 1043-68.
Heine, Bernd. 1992. Grammaticalization Chains. Studies in Language 16: 335-68.
--2002. On the Role of Context in Grammaticalization. In Wischer and Diewald, eds., New
     Reflections on Grammaticalization: Proceedings from the International Symposium on
     Grammaticalization, 17-19 June 1999, Potsdam, Germany. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John
     Benjamins (Typological Studies in Language 49).83-101.
Heine, Bernd and Tania Kuteva. 2003. On Contact-Induced Grammaticalization. Studies in
     Language 27:3. 529-572.
Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2004 Lexicalization and Grammaticalization: Opposite or
     Orthogonal? In Bisang, Himmelmann & Wiemer, eds.,  What Makes
     Grammaticalization—A Look from Its Fringes and Its Components: 19-40. Berlin & New
     York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Hopper, Paul J. 2001. Hendiadys and auxiliation in English. In Bybee, Joan & Michael
     Noonan, eds., Complex sentences in grammar and discourse:Essays in honor of Sandra
     A. Thompson. Pp.145-73. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
     language processing and linguistics change. Journal of English linguistics 26: 286-320.
Krug, Manfred. 1998. String frequency: a cognitive motivating factor in coalescence,
Traugott, Elizabeth Closs. 2008a.  Grammaticalization, constructions and the incremental
     development of language: Suggestions from the development of degree modifiers in
     English, in Regine Eckardt, Gerhard Jäger, and Tonjes Veenstra, eds., Variation, Selection,
     Development—Probing the Evolutionary Model of Language Change. Berlin/New York:
     Mouton de Gruyter, 219-250.
--2008b.  The grammaticalization of NP of NP constructions. In Alexander Bergs and
     Gabriele Diewald, eds. Constructions and Language Change . Berlin/New York:
     Mouton de Gruyter, 21-43.
Trousdale, Graeme. 2008a. Constructions in grammaticalization and lexicalization: Evidence
     from the history of a composite predicate construction in English. In Trousdale, Graeme &
     Nikolas Gisborne, eds. Constructional Approaches to English Grammar. Berlin/New
     York: Mouton de Gruyter, 34-64.
--2008b.  Words and constructions in grammaticalization: the end of the English impersonal
     Construction. In Fitzmaurice, Susan M., Minkova and Donka. eds. Empirical and
     analytical advances in the study of English language change. Berlin/New York: Mouton
     de Gruyter, 301-26.
陈宝勤, 1994,试论“而后”“而至”“而况”“而且”“既而”“俄而”“然而” 。《古汉语研究》第3期,
江蓝生, 2004,跨层非短语结构 “的话”的词汇化。《中国语文》第5期,387-400页。
彭    睿, 2007,构式语法化的机制和后果—以“从而”、“以及”和“极其”的演变为例。《汉语学报》
——,     2008,“临界环境-语法化项”关系刍议。《语言科学》第3期,278-290页。
——,     2011,临界频率和非临界频率:频率和语法化关系的重新审视。《中国语文》第1期,
田范芬, 2004, 连词“以及”的历史来源。《古汉语研究》第1期,54-57页。
吴福祥, 2005,汉语语法化变化的几个类型学特征。《中国语文》第6期,483-494页。
——,     2009, 语法化的新视野--接触引发的语法化。《当代语言学》第3期,193-206页。
——,     2010,汉语方言里与趋向动词相关的几种语法化模式。《方言》第2期,97-113页。
张谊生, 2007, 从间接的跨层连用到典型的程度副词—“极其”词汇化和副词化的演化历程和成


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