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Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Food Science & Technology

This guide covers recommended resources available at the NUS Libraries on all matters pertaining to enterprise, entrepreneurship, innovation and start-ups.


Singapore aims to meet 30% of our local nutritional needs by 2030. The use of new technologies and innovations can accelerate the achievement of this goal.

Food Science & Technology


Recommended databases on this topic are listed below:

To find more databases, see NUS Libraries Subject Guides or use the search box in Databases page on the NUS Libraries Portal.


Books & E-Books

Selected books are listed below:

For more books and e-books, use the search box in NUS Libraries Portal or search by subject in our library catalogue (LINC), e.g. Entrepreneurship or New Business Enterprises.

Other resources to look for innovation and entrepreneurship are listed below:

Blogs, News, etc.


These resources may be useful or help you understand better on this topic:

Articles, Legislations, Reports & Publications

Subject Guides

Photo by Mark Stebnicki is licensed under a Pexels License