Social entrepreneurship has been gaining momentum in recent years. According to the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship report, social entrepreneurs have improved millions of lives around the world. Having access to the right information and tools enable social entrepreneurs to chart their moves, deploy resources strategically and all while still ensuring that their work can deliver as much positive social impact as possible. In challenging times, reading success stories of other social entrepreneurs can serve as the much needed encouragement and force to press on.
Recommended databases on this topic are listed below:
A single, easy-to-use platform to access subscribed content from various publishers and covering numerous subjects. Databases accessible on this platform include: Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, Business Source Ultimate, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, Communication & Mass Media Complete, GreenFile, Music Index Online, Urban Studies etc.
This resource includes citations and full text articles in academic & professional disciplines, e.g., arts, business, criminology, economics, education, gender studies, health, literature, management, music, political science, social sciences, sociology etc. as well as news and general interest items. Search multiple databases simultaneously or select individual databases from the list which includes ABI/INFORM (for business information); Dissertations & Theses Global; Ethnic NewsWatch, Performing Arts Periodicals, Social Science Premium Collection and major current and historical US newspapers (including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, etc).
Scopus is a good starting point for finding articles on almost any topic. It is a multidisciplinary database covering the sciences, engineering, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities fields. Scopus contains millions of peer-reviewed journals, selected articles from trade journals, book chapters, edited volumes, reference works, conference papers and patents. It is also an excellent database for cited reference searching. Its contents are updated daily
Books & E-Books
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Books & E-Books
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