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Pro Bono: Wills and Estate Planning


Resources in this section include those relating to the administration of estates, grant of probate and drafting of wills.

For matters relating to mental capacity, refer to the section on Mental Capacity.


A. Advance Medical Directive

Advance Medical Directive (AMD)
The AMD is a legal document you sign in advance to inform your doctor that you do not want any life-sustaining treatment to be used for prolonging your life in the event you become terminally ill and unconscious, and where death is imminent.

More information published by the Ministry of Health:

  • Brochure containing an overview of the AMD 
  • Forms relating to the AMD.

B. Wills

A Guide to Making a Will
Booklet published by Goodwins Law Corporation (2014)

Best Practices for Wills Drafting – Ten Points to Consider
Article by V Kanyakumari and Leonard Loh Wei Jie published in the Law Gazette (2021)

OCBC Online Will Generator
This will generator, managed by OCBC Bank, utilises a basic will template and may be used for preparing simple wills.

Wills Registry
The Wills Registry is a confidential registry where testators or their solicitors can deposit information on wills. Website contains a directory of law firms whom members of the public can contact if they require advice on Wills and Estate Planning, Probate and Estate Administration and other related matters. Managed by the Singapore Academy of Law.

C. Administration and Distribution of Estates

Deceased CPF Estate Monies
Information, guides and forms relating to the distribution of a deceased's CPF and estate monies by the Public Trustee, including brochures on:

SG Courts: Probate and Administration
Information on the procedure for obtaining a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration in the Family Justice Courts. 

When a Death Occurs: a Guide to Practical Matters
Published in partnership with Ang Chin Moh Foundation, this is a collaboration between Singapore Hospice Council and volunteer students from NUS Law supervised by Ruby Lee. It covers legal aspects relating to a death, including asset distribution.

A. Advance Medical Directive
1. Registrar of Advance Medical Directives

An AMD should be registered with the Registrar of AMD at the Ministry of Health in order to be validly recognised. 

Add: Ministry of Health, College of Medicine Building, 16 College Road, Singapore 169854
Tel: + 65 6325 9136
FAQ: Brochure

B. Wills

1. Law Society of Singapore
The Law Society provides an online service for law practices to broadcast notices or information on wills.

Enquiries: Contact Us
Form: Information on wills

2. Wills Registry, Singapore Academy of Law
The service allows one to 

  • Search for existing will record 
  • Deposit new will record.

Add: Singapore Academy of Law, 1 Coleman Street, #08-06 The Adelphi, Singapore 179803
Tel: +65 6332 4388

C. Probate and the Administration of Estates

1. Family Justice Courts: Probate Registry
One has to apply to the Court for a Grant of Probate (if deceased made a will) or Letters of Administration (if deceased did not make a will) in order to be legally recognised as the executor or administrator respectively of the deceased's estate.

Add: Family Justice Courts@Maxwell Road, 5 Maxwell Road, #04-00 Tower Block, MND Complex, Singapore 069110
Tel: +65 6435 5864

Application for Grant/submission of documents:
Add: CrimsonLogic Service Bureau, 133 New Bridge Road, #19-01/02 Chinatown Point, Singapore 059413
Tel: +65 6538 9507

2. Public Trustee's Office
The Public Trustee, inter alia:

Add: Ministry of Law Services Centre, 45 Maxwell Road, #07-11 The URA Centre (East Wing), Singapore 069118
Tel: 1800 2255 529
For overseas callers: +65 6225 5529

3. Syariah Court Singapore
The Court has jurisdiction over the method of distribution of a deceased person's estate in accordance with Islamic law.

Add: Family Link@Lengkok Bahru, 8 Lengkok Bahru, #03-01, Singapore 159052
Tel: +65 6354 8371
Feedback/Enquiry: Form

Advance Medical Directive
Relevant forms published by the Ministry of Health, including Making Of Advance Medical Directive, Notice Of Revocation Of Advance Medical Directive, Certification Of Terminal Illness By A Committee Of Three Specialists Appointed By The Director Of Medical Services and Objection To Acting On Advance.

Deceased CPF Estate Monies: Forms
Forms published by the Public Trustee's Office include:

Probate and Administration of Estates
The relevant forms, 51 to 62, 225 & 226 are published in Appendix A of the Family Justice Courts Practice Directions.

SG Courts: Forms
Under All  topics, scroll down the menu to Probate:

Search for more books on wills and the administration of estates in our library catalogue, LINC

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