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Cello Solo
These are some titles for your repertoire.
Andriessen, Louis. A flower song III [1964]
Aperghis, Georges. Quatre récitations
Armonas, Rimantas, comp. Monologues : Liettuvų muzika violončelei solo = Lithuanian music for cello solo
Arnold, Malcolm. Fantasy for cello, op. 130 : (1987).
Badings, Henk. Sonate für Violoncello solo
Baur, Jürg. Sonatefür Violoncello solo
Bennett, Ed. Celloops : for solo cello : 2015
Bentzon, Niels Viggo .16 etudes for cello solo : op. 464.
Bentzon, Niels Viggo. Sonata for cello-solo, op. 110.
Berio, Luciano. Les mots sont allés : "recitativo" pour cello seul.
Bloch, Ernest. Suites No.1-3
Bray, Charlotte. On the other shore : for solo cello : 2014
Britten, Benjamin. Three suites for cello : opp. 72, 80 & 87.
Brouwer, Leo. Sonata para cello solo, 1960 (revision 1994)
Burgon, Geoffrey. Six studies for solo cello.
Cage, John. Etudes boreales
Carter, Elliott. Figment no. 2 : Remembering Mr. Ives : for solo violoncello.
Cashian, Philip. Drift for solo cello : 2000
Chen, Yi. Memory : for solo cello
Ching, Jeffrey. Seven preludes to a prelude : for unaccompanied violoncello
Ching, Jeffrey. Souvenir des Song : for unaccompanied violoncello, [1994/rev. 2012]
Crumb, George. Sonata for solo violoncello.
Dalbavie, Marc-Andre. Interlude : pour violoncelle seul = for cello solo
Dessner, Bryce. Tuusula : for solo cello
Duport, J. L. (Jean Louis). Studies for cello solo.
Durieux, Frederic. Entscheiden : per violoncello solo
Dusapin, Pascal. Invece : pour violoncelle solo.
Dutilleux, Henri. 3 strophes sur le nom de Sacher.
Einem, Gottfried von. Musik für Solo-Cello, op. 108.
Feldman, Morton. Projection 1.
Grigorjeva, Galina. Recitativo accompagnato : Sonata per violoncello solo, 2003
Harbison, John. Suite for solo cello
Henze, Hans Werner. Capriccio per violoncello solo.
Hersch, Michael. Sonata no. 2 : for unaccompanied cello (2000-01)
Hillborg, Anders. Still and flow : for solo cello (2010)
Hindemith, Paul. Sonate : für Violoncello solo, op. 25, no. 3.
Holloway, Robin. Sonata for solo cello, op. 91
Honegger, Arthur. Paduana
Hosokawa, Toshio. Sen II : for violoncello (1986/2002).
Hovhaness, Alan. Yakamochi. Op193/2
Ibert, Jacques. Etude-caprice pour un "Tombeau de Chopin".
Jolivet, André. Suite en concert, [1965 ]
Keller, Hermann. Sonatine für solo-violoncello (2016)
Khatchaturian, Aram. Sonate-Fantasie für violoncello solo.
Killmayer, Wilhelm. Puxtosicum mixta : ein Cello-Solo : (1999/2000/2003)
Kirchner, Leon. For cello solo
Kodály, Zoltán. Capriccio per violoncello solo
Kodály, Zoltán. Sonata, Op.8 [1915]
Krenek, Ernst. Zwei Studien
Kurtág, György. Az hit : für Violoncello solo (1998).
Lerdahl, Fred. There and back again : for cello solo
Ligeti, György. Sonate für Violoncello solo.
Lutoslawski, Witold. Sacher variation.
Malec, Ivo. Arco-1 : pour violoncelle solo.
Mamlok, Ursula. Fantasy variations : for solo violoncello : 1982
McCabe, Hohn. Partita for solo violoncello (1966) : op. 44.
Meyer, Krzysztof. Sonata No.2 for solo cello,Op.109 [2007]
Mundry, Isabel. Le corps des cordes : für violoncello = for violoncello
Mustonen, Olli. Frei, aber einsam : Invention für Violoncello solo
Nordentoft, Anders. Impetuoso : two movements for cello solo : (2014)
Nørgård, Per. Solo in Scena.
Penderecki, Krzysztof. Per Slava (1986).
Phoon, Yew Tien. Nocturne, 1980.
Pousseur, Henri. Echos I
Ran, Shulamit. Fantasy variations
Rautavaara, Einojuhani. Sonata for cello solo, op. 46.
Reger, Max. Drei Suiten für Violoncello solo : op. 131c.
Reimann, Aribert. Solo II für Violoncello (2001).
Rihm, Wolfgang. Grat
Rodrigo, Joaquín. Como una fantasía
Ruders, Poul. Bravourstudien : L'homme armé variations, 1979, for violoncello solo.
Saariaho, Kaija. Spins and spells : for solo cello.
Sallinen, Aulis. Elegia Sebastian Knight'ille
Salonen, Esa-Pekka. Yta III : for solo cello : (1986)..
Schneid, Tobias PM. Suite for cello solo für Violoncello solo.
Schnittke, Alfred. Klingende Buchstaben.
Sculthorpe, Peter. Requiem.
Shapey, Ralph. Krosnick soli
Shchedrin, Rodion. Russian fragments
Sheng, Bright. Seven tunes heard in China : for solo cello.
Steen-Andersen, Simon .Beside besides (2003) : (or Next to Beside besides #0) : fragment for cello solo
Tcherepnin, Alexander. Suite pour violoncelle solo
Theodorakis, Mikis. Choros asikikos : gia violontselo.
Ung, Chinary. Khse buon
Volans, Kevin. A short walk in the gardens of solitude : for cello solo : (2007)
Weinberg, Mieczyslaw. Sonaten für Violoncello solo.
Widmann, Jörg . Étude digitale : für violoncello solo (2015)
Wiesenberg, Menachem. Monodialogue : Fantasie für Violoncello solo = fantasy for violoncello solo, 1999/2005
Xenakis, Iannis. Nomos A (1965) : violoncello solo.
Ysaÿe, Eugène. Sonate für Violoncello solo, opus 28.
Yun, Isang. Glissées : pour violoncelle seul (1970).
Zhou, Long. Wild grass : for violoncello.
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